- Published by: Laima Jansons
- March 7, 2017
Stomatitis is painful ulcers that appear in the oral cavity (on the inner surface of the lips, cheeks, and on the palate). Sometimes your gums can become inflamed. At the initial stage of development of the disease, small red dots appear in the mouth, which then turn into bubbles with a milky head and a red rim. Over time, ulcers form in place of the blisters. They can occur one at a time or several at once (groups of 2-3 wounds) and can cause the development of a secondary fungal or bacterial infection. The disease causes the patient severe burning pain, which makes it difficult to talk. Children with stomatitis often refuse to eat. Their body temperature may also increase.
Causes of the disease
The main factors that can provoke oral diseases, including stomatitis, include:
- mechanical damage or burn (chemical or thermal) of the oral cavity;
- ignoring basic hygiene rules;
- poor nutrition, when the body does not receive enough essential nutrients: zinc, iron, folic acid, vitamin B;
- concomitant diseases such as oncology, anemia, helminths, gastritis, colitis;
- use of incorrect or low-quality dental care products;
- unsuccessful dental procedures.
Smoking is also one of the causes of oral ulcers due to the negative effects of nicotine on the mucous membranes. Source: flickr (moiht).
Gingitis, stomatitis
In the treatment of superficial inflammation of the mucous membrane, the choice of the appropriate medication is based on the color of the tissue, provided that the selected medication corresponds to the significant general symptoms.
For a fresh, bright red color, Belladonna is used.
Belladonna - acute onset of inflammation with bright red mucous membrane. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is swollen, marked redness with dryness and burning, throbbing pain. The tongue is shiny, red (raspberry tongue). Desire to drink cold drinks in small sips, although they often increase the pain. With a pronounced disturbance in the general condition, sometimes with fever, the patient sweats, the face is hyperemic, the pupils are dilated, and pulsation of the carotid arteries is visible. The drug is indicated for acute stomatitis and gingivitis.
The dark red color of the mucous membrane corresponds to Phytolacca. Phytolacca - dark color and stabbing pain indicate progressive inflammation. Later, whitish pustules can be seen on the mucous membrane, which merge to form a plaque. Indicated for stomatitis with beginning suppuration and plaque. If the mucous membrane has a bluish-red color, the use of Lachesis and Carbo vegetabilis is justified.
Lachesis - purple-red color up to cyanosis is a sign of inflammation with stasis in the capillaries and breakdown of blood elements, which leads to ulceration. Oral pain worsens from warm drinks and food. Cold foods, especially ice, reduce pain. The general condition is sharply disturbed, sometimes there is a septic course, which is manifested by fear, anxiety and increased heart rate. Indicated for stomatitis, ulcerative stomatitis, and threatening septic conditions.
Carbo vegetabilis - bluish coloration of the inflamed mucous membrane with burning pain due to slow oxidation and oxygen deficiency in the tissues. Tendency to form ulcers; ulcers bleed easily; their bottom is bluish or gray. The tongue is coated with a dirty coating. Chilliness with cold body, but need for fresh air. Indicated for stomatitis, aphthous stomatitis, ulcerative stomatitis and ulcerative membranous stomatitis. For inflammation with tissue swelling, a preparation from bees is used.
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Apis mellifica - the reaction to a bee sting is manifested by bright red swelling with glassy edema and burning, stabbing pain. This phenomenon is consistent with the pathogenesis of Apis. The inflamed mucous membrane becomes pale red due to swelling. The pain is relieved by cold drinks and worsened by hot drinks. Thirst is often slight. The drug is indicated for stomatitis with tissue swelling.
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How is stomatitis treated?
If a disease is detected, in order to avoid its development and aggravation, it is necessary to urgently visit a doctor who will prescribe the optimal course of therapy. However, there are generally accepted measures that should be followed in order to quickly get rid of an unpleasant illness:
- Isolation of the patient. It is necessary to provide him with separate dishes and personal hygiene products.
- Using pain medications to reduce pain and discomfort.
- Ventilation and humidification of the room.
- Proper nutrition. It is necessary to eliminate sour and spicy foods for a while. It is important to ensure that food is not very cold or too hot.
Stomatitis can be treated using several methods: medication, folk remedies, and homeopathic medicines.
Should I turn to homeopathy?
Today, more and more patients are turning to homeopathy for stomatitis treatment. This is due to the fact that homeopathy remedies do not have serious side effects like individual medications. They contain small doses of active ingredients, which prevents them from accumulating in the human body. Very often, modern parents resort to homeopathy to treat their children, since the risk of various side effects is minimal.
Contraindications to vaccination. Medical advice from vaccinations
Not every vaccine reaction that seems dangerous to parents is actually dangerous to the child. For example, you should not be afraid of a slight increase in temperature - this is neither a contraindication nor a reason for medical advice from re-vaccination.
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May 16, 2021
Christina asks:
Hello, in our maternity hospital, the child’s bilirubin increased significantly, we were given a human immunoglobulin drip, we have not yet received a single vaccination, please tell me how long we have a medical exemption from vaccinations?
August 02, 2021
Ernest Danielovich Agababov answers:
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Hello, the duration of medical withdrawal varies from person to person. When to start vaccinating your child and what your doctor will determine after laboratory tests.
February 27, 2021
Olga asks:
Good afternoon, we had our adenoids and tonsils removed on December 11, 2021. It is necessary to get the ADS-M vaccination; since I was 7 years old, I have been constantly withdrawn due to adenoids. When can it be done?
February 27, 2021
Bozhko Natalya Viktorovna answers:
Good afternoon, only your pediatrician, who is observing the child, can answer this question, depending on the current state of health.
November 19, 2021
Anna asks:
The child reacts importantly to the process itself when injecting an injection - judgment, loss of information, stopping breathing. What can you consider as a contraindication before vaccination?
December 11, 2021
Ernest Danielovich Agababov answers:
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Good afternoon, in principle it can, but the reaction is not normal, since you must understand that one day a situation may arise when it will be necessary to give some kind of injection. You need to contact a pediatric neurologist with this problem.
November 01, 2021
Irina asks:
Hello! The child underwent: endoscopic adenotomy, bilateral tonsillotomy, bilateral tympanocentesis. After what period of time can vaccinations and mantu be given?
November 14, 2021
Ernest Danielovich Agababov answers:
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Good afternoon, your local pediatrician can give you a definite answer, but this is definitely possible after the child has fully recovered after surgery.
July 01, 2021
Elena asks:
A child has stomatitis, is it possible to do BCG for stomatitis? And how to treat it?
09 August 2021
Ernest Danielovich Agababov answers:
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Elena, BCG should not be done against the background of stomatitis. Stomatitis is a vomiting condition that causes fever and weakening of the body. You will do it when the child recovers.
January 17, 2021
Zhanna asks:
Hello, we, like many parents, are faced with the dilemma of whether to vaccinate against measles or not, because we are very afraid of a reaction to the vaccine.
At 4 and a half months, the child began to have an allergy to breast milk, switched to goat milk, the same reaction, atopic dermatitis developed, and in 2008 they were diagnosed with breast milk.
asthma, allergy to protein, the child is often sick, two weeks ago I got sick with antibiotics, took tests, we don’t know what to do with vaccination, I’m very worried.
January 19, 2021
The Medical Consultant of the portal “health-ua.org” answers:
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Good afternoon. You need to find a solution together with your pediatrician. Perhaps he will recommend getting tested for the strength of specific protective immunity and make a decision after that.
January 11, 2021
Kozul Vera asks:
Good evening. Tell me, if a child has been diagnosed with Einstein Barr virus, is it possible to get vaccinated against measles and which one (single-component or 3in1) And what are generally contraindications to vaccination? We have a strong allergy to insect bites and to food additives (stabilizer, emulsifiers...) Everything we eat with market: eggs, milk, chicken does not cause allergies. Thank you
January 23, 2021
Shulgina Elena Vladimirovna answers:
Good afternoon, Vera! Contraindications to Priorix vaccination (measles, rubella, mumps) are: – hypersensitivity to neomycin; – severe forms of immunodeficiency; – acute diseases or exacerbations of chronic ones.
November 10, 2021
Tatiana asks:
Hello. While there were holidays from Friday to Monday, my daughter began to cough, I gave her kagatse and ambrobene .. as if the cough subsided Tuesday and Wednesday at home, and on Thursday I took her to the garden, that’s where they said they would put Mantu and on Monday it will be day 6 I stopped taking the medicine.. the week has already passed and the runny nose is still a residual... No, no, but it’s slipping away. We remember how they just came to discharge us from the hospital; we had a cough. We were discharged that day and got this vaccine. They didn’t even do a medical examination. Now the child feels fine, but I don’t know what to do
Give up and wait another week
October 23, 2021
Alexandra asks:
My daughter had an enterovirus infection without fever. Our doctor said that we can get routine vaccinations with Polymilit and DPT. but I have doubts. After an enterovirus infection, how long before vaccination can be done?
December 04, 2021
Shulgina Elena Vladimirovna answers:
Good afternoon, Alexandra! One of the contraindications to vaccination is an acute illness; in your case, if the child is feeling normal after suffering an enterovirus infection, you can vaccinate your daughter according to the schedule.
September 13, 2021
Elena asks:
Good afternoon. The child had his appendicitis removed (laparoscopy) 2 weeks ago. In a couple of days in the garden there will be a flu vaccination. Can we get vaccinated now?
September 14, 2021
The Medical Consultant of the portal “health-ua.org” answers:
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Good afternoon, if the child feels well and the pediatrician confirms this based on an examination, it is possible.
September 11, 2021
Olga asks:
the child is unvaccinated, currently at the school where she studies, a routine vaccination against polio is carried out, so the child is not vaccinated, we are afraid of contact with children after vaccinations, is it possible to vaccinate her at present or is it better to protect her from contact
September 11, 2021
Ernest Danielovich Agababov answers:
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Hello Olga! If your child has no contraindications to vaccination, it is best to start vaccination, you can start it right now with vaccination against polio. Separation in this case is not the best idea, since it will not be possible to completely eliminate the possibility of contact with infection. Discuss your child's vaccination plan with your pediatrician. Take care of your health!
09 September 2021
Lilia asks:
I have a planned operation coming up, is it possible to do Mantoux in less than a week?
September 03, 2021
Armenui asks:
Hello, I have one question and I really want to hope for your help, a month ago the child was under anesthesia, they took the battery out of the stomach, thank God everything went without complications. Now we have a DTP revaccination planned, tell me whether it is possible to do it a month after anesthesia or should I wait. Thank you in advance.
September 15, 2021
The Medical Consultant of the portal “health-ua.org” answers:
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Good afternoon, there is no anesthesia among the contraindications for DTP vaccination, therefore, after a mandatory examination of the child by a pediatrician before vaccination, you can get vaccinated.
April 26, 2021
Tanya asks:
My boy has Down syndrome and HPS. Our neurologist said to postpone vaccinations until he is 3 years old, and the pediatrician is calling for polio vaccination. Can we have polio?
May 24, 2021
The Medical Consultant of the portal “health-ua.org” answers:
General doctor
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Hello Tatiana! The listed diagnoses are not a contraindication to polio vaccination. Ask the neurologist to justify his recommendation - there may be reasons not specified in your message. Take care of your health!
February 12, 2021
Dina asks:
Hello! From birth, the child had a small cavernous hemangioma on the back, flat, did not stand out above the surface of the skin, after six months it did not increase, by the year it turned pale and became almost invisible, size 1 * 1 cm. Doctors recommended only observation.
After vaccination, Priorix began to turn red on the 5th day, raise a bump above the skin, flake and itch. Size approximately 1.5*1.5 cm 2 weeks after vaccination. The child himself cannot reach it, but when I press on this spot, he freezes and shows with all his gestures that I should scratch this hemangioma for him.
Tell me whether this reaction is reversible, why the process of growth of an almost resolved hemangioma has started, and what we should do next. Thank you in advance.
only 29 pages
Source: https://deti.health-ua.org/mc/vakcinoprofilaktika-u-detej/1995/sdated/
Advantages and disadvantages
Like any other method, therapy using homeopathy has its pros and cons.
Since stomatitis is a rather complex disease, in advanced cases it should be treated not only with homeopathic medicines. Severe discomfort and pain can only be eliminated with the help of special medicine.
Homeopathy strengthens the body's defenses and prevents recurrence of the disease.
The best types of stomatitis that can be treated with homeopathy are aphthous and candidal stomatitis. Homeopathic remedies work to eliminate the external signs of the disease, as well as its general manifestations.
What homeopathic remedies are used to treat stomatitis?
There are several basic homeopathic remedies that are effective for stomatitis.
- Borax, where the basic substance is sodium borate. The action of the medicine is aimed at accelerating the healing process of wounds and erosions. The drug helps with voluntary drooling and distorted taste perception. It heals wounds on the cheeks and larynx very well.
- Kalium bichromicum. It is prescribed for severe inflammation of the mucous membrane and deep aphthae.
- Kalium muriaticum heals ulcers very well and also has a positive effect on the mucous membrane.
- Arsenicum is prescribed to patients with small aphthae that cause severe pain and discomfort.
Treatment of stomatitis in adults
Treatment tactics are determined by the type of disease and what causes it. Dentospas doctors do not recommend treating this disease on your own. “Home” treatment will stop the acute course of the disease, but at the same time it will continue to develop, becoming chronic.
Before starting treatment, a diagnosis is performed. The doctor must determine what caused the inflammation and establish the type of disease. If inflammation is a secondary manifestation of other diseases or is provoked by drug therapy, you need to consult with your doctor to adjust the prescription. The treatment plan for stomatitis is formed depending on its type:
- herpetic. The inflammation is caused by the herpes virus, which cannot be cured. Stomatitis occurs during exacerbations, with weakened immunity, against the background of colds, etc. For prevention during remission, immunostimulants are used, during exacerbation - antiviral drugs and local remedies to relieve discomfort;
- candida. It is caused by the fungus Candida albicans. Multiple areas of inflammation form on the mucous membrane, which are covered with a white coating. During an exacerbation, the throat may hurt and there may be a burning sensation in the mucous membrane. Treatment of stomatitis should be accompanied by antimicrobial and antifungal therapy. The affected areas are treated with antifungal ointments and rinsed;
- aphthous. Accompanied by the formation of aphthae - round painful ulcers with redness around the edges. Often occurs against the background of systemic diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and immune system. Antimicrobial therapy and antiseptics are used for treatment. To prevent relapses, oral sanitation is recommended;
- ulcerative It is provoked by smoking, poor oral hygiene, and frequent injuries to the mucous membrane. Requires mandatory treatment by a dentist (treatment of the affected area with antibacterial agents, prescription of antibiotics, in advanced cases - gum grafting, removal of dead tissue);
- bacterial. Often occurs in patients who use dentures but do not properly care for them. If microorganisms accumulate between the denture and the gum, inflammation occurs, which turns into stomatitis. During treatment, the prosthesis is cleaned and antibacterial treatment is performed. Replacement may be required if the prosthesis is poorly made. Additionally, the doctor prescribes anti-infective drugs and antiseptic rinses.
If you consult a dentist in a timely manner, stomatitis can be cured in 1-2 weeks. For this, 2-3 visits to the dentist are enough. Do not delay your visit to the dentist: without treatment, the course of the disease worsens, complications may occur (scarring of the mucous membrane, spread of infection, etc.).
Homeopathy for stomatitis in children and adults
Treatment of stomatitis in children with homeopathic remedies gives excellent results, especially if you start getting rid of stomatitis at the first stage of the disease, as well as in combination with other dental procedures.
Source: flickr (Goolsby Gallery). When aphthae and wounds occur on the mucous membrane, a combination of homeopathic remedies based on borate and mercury oxide is recommended: Borax, Mercurius solubilis.
Medicines that contain Mercurius help with bad breath, excessive salivation, and swelling of the mucous membranes. These remedies also reduce pain and eliminate bleeding gums.
Arsenicum album and Acidum nitricum are used in the treatment of children with aphthous and erosive stomatitis, which are accompanied by severe pain.
As for homeopathy for stomatitis in adult patients, the principle of therapy is similar to the treatment of children. Only in this case, complex therapy is almost always prescribed (homeopathy + dental procedures + traditional medicine).
- redness of a local area of the mucosa (at the very beginning of the inflammatory process);
- swelling of the reddened area, burning and itching;
- the appearance of a round ulcer in the bacterial form (occurs within a day), the formation of a white coating in the fungal form or small blisters in the case of a viral infection;
- salivation gradually increases;
- the appearance of bleeding gums;
- unpleasant odor;
- increased discomfort, pain or burning sensation;
- Without treatment, your health may deteriorate and your temperature may rise.
If these symptoms appear, doctors at the Dentospas clinic recommend planning a visit to the dentist.