Toothache is an unbearable sensation that can strike at night, when there are no painkillers or dentistry at hand. Unfortunately, for toothaches, an ambulance does not come, so you have to eliminate the pain yourself.
To relieve pain at home, you can use various folk remedies - from infusions of medicinal herbs to various foods. However, there is one of the most effective methods for quickly blocking pain, which came several decades ago from China - acupuncture.
Massage methodology, acting on certain points, allows you to dull painful sensations in almost any part of the body. Toothache in this case is no exception.
Toothache points
What is the effect of acupressure based on?
The acupressure technique is based on the ideas of Eastern sages about the structure of the human body. In ancient China, it was believed that 14 rivers of vital energy Chi flow through the human body. If they do not encounter obstacles, then with their flow they safely carry energy to all internal organs. But if a malfunction suddenly occurs and the organs receive Chi energy in different quantities, the person begins to get sick. Ancient doctors believed that balance could be restored by massaging certain points. This is how the Chinese technique of acupuncture appeared.
According to another Eastern theory, two principles are constantly fighting in the human body: the female Yin - changeable, cold, dark - and the male Yang - constant, warm, light. Balance can be achieved by applying pressure in the right places.
Nuances and tips
In order for the effectiveness of the impact on the points to be higher, and the probability that the toothache will not return is 100%, it is necessary to take into account several nuances that are present in the massage technique.
The use of warming or cooling substances will significantly enhance the positive effect. However, it should be remembered that if toothache is accompanied by inflammatory processes or gumboil, the use of warming components is prohibited, as they promote blood flow to the sore spot.
If no contraindications are noted, then you can use:
- mint oil;
- sage oil;
- clove oil;
- lavender oil
The well-known ointment or balm called “Star” is also excellent for this purpose.
Another important nuance is that the impact on the points should be carried out at a moment when the person is completely calm and relaxed. This can be achieved, for example, while sitting in a comfortable chair or lying on the sofa. It is important to try to disconnect from negativity during the massage.
An excellent help will be to even out your breathing and achieve complete relaxation - a state of relaxation. Repeating the impact on the point should be done, if necessary, no earlier than half an hour later.
An important nuance is the side on which the tooth hurts. So if negative sensations come from the left side, then when applying garlic you should choose a point located on the right hand and vice versa.
In addition, you can turn to other traditional medicine recipes to get rid of toothache, since they will enhance the effect of the treatment points.
Of course, acupressure is an excellent alternative to taking medications for pain, but for complete peace of mind, you need to consult with a specialist, since only a doctor can give a full opinion on the causes of discomfort.
Also, you should not get carried away with self-medication - if there is no result, and the pain only intensifies, you need to visit the dentist, since the processes occurring in the oral cavity may indicate hidden inflammation, which cannot be ignored.
Also, toothache may indicate the onset of infectious diseases, which without proper and timely treatment can lead to complications.
Thus, acupressure is an effective and efficient method of relieving dental pain of varying intensity, but it should be used when a person is completely sure that there is no inflammation or infection in the oral cavity, or there is currently no alternative.
Toothache is an unbearable sensation that can strike at night, when there are no painkillers or dentistry at hand. Unfortunately, for toothaches, an ambulance does not come, so you have to eliminate the pain yourself. To relieve pain at home, you can use various folk remedies - from infusions of medicinal herbs to various foods. However, there is one of the most effective methods for quickly blocking pain, which came several decades ago from China - acupuncture. Massage methodology, acting on certain points, allows you to dull painful sensations in almost any part of the body. Toothache in this case is no exception.
Toothache points
Acupuncture points for toothache
The ancient Chinese identified two massage points for toothache and gave them figurative names.
Point He-gu - “closed gorge”
How to find:
The He-gu point can be detected if you close the thumb and index fingers of your hand - a tubercle forms at this place, and with open fingers - a depression. It is important to compare the description of points on the body from toothache with the pictures.
How to massage:
Press on the toothache point on the hand with the thumb of the opposite hand, moving it up and down, while simultaneously clicking your teeth. Duration: 2 to 3 minutes until the skin turns red. If the tooth hurts on the right, you need to massage the point on the left on the left hand and vice versa, and in case of severe pain, act on both at once. This method is not recommended for pregnant women.
Jia Che points - “cheek cart”
How to find:
these are symmetrical points on the lower jaw. If the jaws are open, the points are located in the cavity; when closed, the points are in the place of convexity of the masticatory muscles.
How to massage:
The massage should be very gentle. First, light pressure with your index finger, then 30 circular movements. You can perform no more than five approaches at a time.
Cause of pain
First, you need to figure out why your tooth might hurt. The tooth itself consists of several types of tissue structure. The hard tissue structure includes the enamel coating of the tooth, cementum and dentin. The pulp represents soft tissue (if this structure is damaged, severe pain occurs). The most common dental ailments that are accompanied by pain include:
- pulpitis;
- periodontitis;
- carious lesions of varying degrees;
- periodontitis.
Attention! Most often, the patient comes with the problem of toothache, which arose as a result of carious lesions of hard tissues. When pathology develops, a cavity forms in the dental element, requiring urgent treatment. If caries is not blocked in a timely manner, the pathological lesion will even affect soft tissue (pulp).
A disease that causes toothacheImage Brief description of the pathology
Pulpitis | The inflammatory process affects the soft tissue structure of the dental element, resulting in severe pain. A special symptom of this disease is increased pain at night. Pathology can be acute or chronic. If left untreated, it develops into another disease - periodontitis. |
Periodontitis | Pathology is determined by damage to periodontal tissue structures. The main symptoms are aching pain and fever. Sometimes there may be swelling, redness of the gum tissue, as well as purulent discharge. |
Periodontitis | Pathological damage to the tissues that attach the dental element. In this case, there is a high level of pain, bleeding gums and swelling of the tissues. |
It is important! The occurrence of toothache can be explained by incorrectly installed fillings, mechanical impact on the dental element, or damage to the enamel coating.
The above ailments are a reason to immediately visit the dentist. Indeed, in the absence of therapeutic actions, you can lose a dental element.
In order to wait until an appointment with a specialist, pain is often eliminated by applying pressure to certain points on the body.
Acupressure for toothache relief
Point 1. Te-sanri
Te-sanri point Massage of Te-sanri points
Acupuncture is necessary on the point that is located near the elbow part of the upper limb. To accurately determine the point, a line is visually drawn from the base of the thumb to the elbow. This point is located at a distance of 1/5. The points are symmetrical on both limbs, so it is recommended to massage them at the same time. The massage is performed in three approaches, each approach lasting at least twenty seconds.
Point 2. On the hands
Toothache spots on hands
You can eliminate the discomfort that arises due to dental pathology by irritating points on the hands.
To perform the massage, you will need additional items, for example, a small hard ball or a walnut. The impact is carried out only in circular movements.
You need to massage for ten seconds, and stop at the last second and press firmly on the point. To achieve the desired effect, the massage is performed in three approaches.
Point 3. Facial points
Toothache spots on the face
In the area of the jaws on the face there are special points, when exposed to which, toothache can be relieved. To do this, use the index fingers of both limbs to press on the indicated points (at least ten times). Thirty seconds of time are allotted for each symmetrical pair.
Note! Very often, the patient is unable to independently correctly determine the desired acupuncture point. However, massaging the area in which the point is located also gives a positive result.
Point 4. On the back of the hand
Dot on hand cyst for toothache He-gu
In Eastern medicine, this point is defined as He-gu. The location of the point is between the metacarpal bones (first and second). The duration of exposure to the point is three minutes. Massaging is carried out with the thumb and index finger of the second hand. Then the impact is performed on the opposite hand.
Point 5. Near the nail plate
Toothache point near the nail plate
The required point is located on the nail plate of the index finger (directly in the left corner). The impact on it is carried out by pressing (at least twenty times until painful sensations arise in the area of the point). At the same time, the person should feel a decrease in the intensity of toothache.
Toothache relief points
It is worth noting that a targeted impact will not help cure a dental disease (carious lesions, pulpitis, etc.), but it can become an indispensable first aid when a toothache occurs at the most inconvenient moment.
You can find out how to influence points during acute toothache here:
Video - 3 ways to relieve acute toothache using acupuncture
Video - Points for toothache
Quick and effective point for toothache Yoshiro Tsutsumi
The famous Japanese specialist in alternative medicine, Yoshiro Tsutsumi, studied the technique of acupressure for more than 30 years, as a result of which he wrote the popular book “A Simplified Method for Preserving Health with Finger Exercises.” We are interested in the section that tells you which point to press for toothache.
Te-sanri point
Yoshiro Tsutsumi in his book notes that this is a quick and effective remedy for severe toothache.
How to find:
Stretch your hand in front of you, palm up, at the junction of the palm and wrist, find the metacarpal bone of the thumb, draw a conditional line to the depression in the bend of the elbow, remember this distance. Measure 1/5 of the length of this line from the elbow, this is where the desired point is located. It is located symmetrically on the right and left hands.
How to massage:
the pad of the thumb of the opposite hand. To enhance the effect, Tsutsumi recommends massaging both points at once; to do this, you need to cross your arms, as shown in the figure. Press the point of the right hand for 1 minute with the index and middle finger of the left hand, and on the left hand with the thumb of the right hand. After a pause, cross your arms in the other direction and repeat the exercise.
Acupressure for toothache: how to do it
Toothache, as a rule, is a consequence of diseases that irritate the nerves: pulpitis, caries, etc.
In most cases, people resolve this problem with antibiotics and painkillers, but it is better to resort to natural treatments such as acupressure (acupressure).
This method is safe for health and does not cause harmful side effects. Moreover, it can be applied anywhere at any time.
Principle of action and scope of acupressure massage
Acupressure is the act of applying pressure to a specific point on the body to treat various pathologies, similar to acupuncture, but without needles. This technique is most often used to relieve pain, particularly headaches, dental pain, and back pain. Acupressure is also used to combat fatigue, stress, and excess weight.
The idea of acupressure is based on the belief that vital energy Qi circulates in our body along natural pathways called meridians. Blockage of one flow or another can cause illness and pain. Acupressure helps restore flow and correct imbalances. With the help of massage, we send a signal to the body to “turn on” its own self-healing or regulation mechanisms.
A more scientific approach explains the effect of acupressure by saying that massaging the points helps relieve tension and improve blood flow. Be that as it may, experience shows that if you do self-massage regularly, it will help maintain health and prevent the recurrence of diseases.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupressure has been a staple of healing for over 2,000 years, and the fact that it is still used today is a testament to its effectiveness.
Acupressure should not be used as a substitute for visiting a dentist. With its help, you can temporarily relieve pain, but your teeth must be treated without fail.
Biological points that help eliminate toothache
Below are the 6 most common points, the stimulation of which helps to get rid of toothache. You don't need to stimulate them all every time, just try it once and see which ones work best for you.
SI 18
It is one of the most important acupressure and acupuncture points for toothache relief and is often used as first aid. SI 18 is located at the lower edge of the cheekbone in line with the outer corner of the eye, opposite the lower edge of the nose.
This point can be activated by applying steady pressure for 1 minute. You need to press simultaneously on both sides of your face using your index and middle fingers. It is extremely useful for treating jaw swelling, facial paralysis, eyelid twitching and facial muscle spasms.
ST 6
Another important point that works as effectively as a toothache medicine. ST 6 is located on the muscle under the earlobe that protrudes when the back teeth are clenched, right at the junction between the upper and lower jaws.
This point on both sides of the face can be activated by applying firm and steady pressure using the thumbs. It is especially useful to massage it to relieve toothaches in the lower jaw.
LI 4
An extremely popular acupressure point that is a multi-purpose decongestant and anti-inflammatory. Suitable for treating toothaches, headaches, rhinitis, fever, as well as strengthening the immune system.
LI 4 is located at the highest point of the fleshy junction between the thumb and index finger.
Warning: LI 4 stimulation may cause premature labor in pregnant women.
Located between the second and third toes on both feet. Place your thumb on this place, press down and hold for one minute.
You can find the ST3 point under the cheekbone, right under the pupil. Press it lightly with your thumb for 1-2 minutes.
How to do massage at home
Acupressure can be done independently at home. To do this, it is better to choose a quiet place so that you can concentrate. Follow this order:
- Sit in a comfortable position (sitting, lying down). Breathe deeply and try to relax your muscles and limbs.
- Press on the desired area, applying fairly strong pressure, but without fanaticism. If you feel sharp pain, reduce the pressure until you feel a balance of pain and pleasure. Do not rub or massage the area, but maintain constant pressure.
Massage points on the face
How to find:
to the Jia Che point (see above) add two more symmetrical points, which are at the level of the earlobes, not reaching them 3 centimeters.
How to massage:
lightly touch with your index finger 10 times - first on one pair of points, then on the other.
Dots on the palm for toothache
How to find:
points on the palm for toothache are located on the back of the hands between the thumb and forefinger, closer to the latter.
How to massage:
make circular movements with the nut - first 10 light movements, then one with strong pressure. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
Additional technique
Another acupuncture technique was invented by Japanese specialist Yoshiro Tsutsumi. He developed a unique finger technique for maintaining health. Among his recommendations are tips for relieving toothache:
- Two points are identified on the outside of the palm. One is at the base of the index finger, where the phalanx attaches to the metacarpus. The second is at the line of intersection of the base of the thumb and index finger. You need to influence the areas with round hard objects - a tennis ball, a nut. Make 10 rotational movements, then press hard. Repeat 2 – 3 times.
- To determine the second point - Te-santri - draw a conditional line from the base of the thumb to the bend of the elbow, step down 1/5. You need to massage two areas at the same time. Hands clasp the elbows on the opposite side, make circular movements with the pads of the index and middle fingers.
The areas are massaged on the opposite side of the diseased tooth.
How to massage acupuncture points for toothache?
To obtain or enhance the effect of massage, you must follow the following recommendations.
- Focus on the massage, relax, breathe deeply, sit or lie down comfortably.
- Massage the area on the opposite side - it hurts on the right, influence the point on the left, pain on the left - apply pressure on the right.
- After the massage, sit or lie relaxed for a few minutes, and only then return to business.
- Between sessions, maintain a pause of half an hour.
Essential oils of sage, lavender, mint can enhance the effect, and “Star” balm is also suitable. These substances should be applied to the desired points before the massage; they will increase blood flow.
How to enhance the effect of acupuncture: basic recommendations
To get rid of toothache as effectively as possible using acupressure, adhere to the following recommendations:
- areas are massaged on the opposite side of the diseased tooth, unless otherwise indicated;
- before the manipulation, take a comfortable, relaxed position - sit down, lie down;
- first calm down, even out breathing: inhalations should be deep, exhalations should be long;
- mentally fully concentrate on the procedure;
- a repeat session is carried out at least half an hour later;
- After finishing the massage, it is advisable to wait a few minutes before doing other things.
Acupressure can only temporarily relieve pain.
Additional Information! To enhance the effect, you can perform the procedure with aromatic oils. Esthers of mint, cloves, lavender, and sage are suitable.
Acupuncture is used to relieve toothache when analgesics are not available. It is safe and suitable even for pregnant women and small children. But acupressure can only temporarily relieve discomfort. For complete treatment, you need to visit a dental clinic.
What to do if massage doesn't help?
Let's assume that acupressure may not work for someone, everything is individual. Perhaps the technique of pressing on certain points is not followed. The main recommendation if there is no effect is to relax and repeat the massage. Oriental medicine specialists advise not to be upset if you were unable to detect the desired point as accurately as possible; according to them, small deviations do not affect the result - massaging affects a large area.
Before using alternative medicine methods, Startsmile recommends carefully studying photos of toothache points on the human body and not forgetting that massaging certain areas is not a treatment, but only an ambulance for toothache. Remember that alternative medicine can eliminate pain, but not its cause.
Development and popularity of the method
People owe the appearance of acupressure to the scientists and healers of Ancient China. The first mentions of this method of treatment can be found in chronicles that date back more than 3 thousand years.
Thanks to the chronicles, it was possible to find out that there are certain places on the human body that are responsible for the health of one or another organ, the reduction of pain - these are points, when pressed, the impaired functions of the body are restored and a significant improvement in the overall well-being of a person occurs.
You can get rid of debilitating pain with the help of acupressure because the method is based on the ability of muscles to relax, therefore, the intensity of pain that a person experiences is reduced.
The popularity and demand of the method is largely determined by the fact that it does not require the use of medications, is simple enough to be reproduced independently at home, and can also be used as basic first aid.
Most often, people try to get rid of pain with the help of modern medications, but here it is important to understand that along with the positive effect - the disappearance of pain, the body receives a “blow” to many organs, since the products contain chemicals.
Why not abandon harmful components and turn to the wisdom and experience of ancient healers? Our body has many points, when exposed to which, it is possible to reduce toothache and any other pain in a short time and with a guaranteed effect.
Names of acupuncture points on the hand