A child’s permanent tooth is growing incorrectly, what should I do?
A child’s permanent tooth is growing incorrectly, what should I do?
12/01/2019 My child’s teeth began to grow crookedly, what should I do? How to solve a dairy problem
The patient asked about a missing tooth on the upper jaw on the right side; tooth number 5 has been missing for quite some time. Wants to place an implant with a crown
How to correct crooked central upper incisors without braces using Star Smile aligners?
Greetings friends! With you is orthodontist Alexander Spesivtsev. And today we will see this
Can eggs taste? TikTokers dip their scrotums in soy sauce to test
Earth fish! Who is this and where are they found? There are many living organisms living on our planet,
What does dental treatment under sedation mean?
Almost every person experiences fear of manipulation in dental offices. So a trip to the dentist
Dental implantation and prevention is the future of dentistry...
Periodontal diseases currently represent one of the most important and complex problems
How to strengthen teeth with food (recipes for teeth and gums)
How to strengthen your teeth with food (+ recipes for teeth and gums)
Since childhood, we have all been told how important it is to eat right, that vitamins and
What kind of anesthesia can be used for dental treatment during pregnancy?
Any expectant mother wants her baby to be born healthy. What to do if during
Percutaneous rhizotomy of the trigeminal nerve. Efficacy and indications for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia using electrocoagulation
In our Center we can offer comprehensive treatment for trigeminal neuralgia in combination with
Diffuse pulpitis
Treatment of traumatic pulpitis
The most severe form of acute pulpitis is considered diffuse pulpitis, which occurs if left untreated
Symptoms of hidden caries
Treatment of uncomplicated caries of the chewing tooth
Symptoms of caries Diagnosis of the disease should be carried out only in the dentist's office. But myself
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