Usually, the healing of the hole after tooth extraction occurs painlessly and does not cause any sensations in the patient.
Symptoms of this disease will be: hyperemia, swelling, burning and hemorrhages from the gums; hypersensitivity to cold,
Dentist is, of course, an interesting profession. But how long does it take to study to become a dentist? And is it worth studying?
Anatomically, a tooth consists of three parts: crown, neck, root. Inside the crown and root there is
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Treatment methods for dental cysts Some experts claim that they can treat dental cysts without
The reasons for the appearance of a fistula on the gums of a child (+ photo) The etiology of phlegmon is based on various dental
Do you have a sharp sore throat, painful swallowing and a fever? It could be
As a result of poor-quality root canal filling, an inflammatory process often occurs due to infection,
One of the types of gum inflammation is catarrhal gingivitis. The disease develops due to the adverse effects of external