What does dental treatment under sedation mean?
Almost every person experiences fear of manipulation in dental offices. So a trip to the dentist
Making a Surgical Template
Surgical templates are an integral element for successful dental implantation
The production of a surgical template is necessary to ensure a guaranteed successful dental implantation. The design has the appearance of a dental
What complications can occur after dental implantation?
Taking into account the prospects, convenience and functionality of the most reliable method of replacing lost teeth with
Types of dentures and bridges
Splinting teeth for periodontitis: techniques, reviews
Missing molars affects our health and appearance. Not enough for the front teeth
Dr.NanoTo / Floss Pick
Proper brushing of teeth and gums is one of the components of good oral health in
Dental implantation and prevention is the future of dentistry...
Periodontal diseases currently represent one of the most important and complex problems
Why do gums bleed under a crown where there is no tooth?
Learn more about the reasons for the appearance of blood from under the crown of a tooth and tactics for getting rid of the symptom.
11/22/2019 After installing implants, many patients forget that they need to pay attention and follow up
How long does it take for Viburkol suppositories to take effect?
From this article you will learn: the best remedy for teething in a child, will it
Tooth hurts when pressed - Line of Smile Dentistry
Diastema - why does it appear and how to remove it?
Author of the article: Tatyana Yuryevna Kondratyeva, dentist, therapist of the highest category “Tooth hurts when biting!” Exactly
Child has bad breath
Is it normal or a cause for concern for bad breath during teething in a baby? Tips for moms
Treatment of baby teeth in children, bad breath When you enter the pediatric dentistry department,
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