How to protect your teeth from staining products

What products that stain tooth enamel are not recommended for consumption?

Careful and regular oral hygiene is the basis for maintaining ideal whiteness of the dentition. However, in addition to this, there is another important factor that affects the color of the enamel - diet.

Dyes contained in some products remain in the pores of the enamel, causing its color to change.

To reduce the number of trips to the dentist for in-office whitening procedures, it is worth understanding which products have the greatest impact on the enamel and how you can reduce their staining effect.

To give up smoking

To keep your teeth white, you should not smoke. One of the most common and harmful substances for the appearance of teeth is tobacco. Brownish streaks and spots along with yellowing can form very quickly when smoking (and chewing) tobacco.

Tobacco products also increase the risk of many types of cancer and contribute to bad breath and gum disease.

On the subject: Types of gum diseases

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How to protect your teeth

Watch your hands: first, it's a good idea to brush your teeth before drinking (to minimize the amount of plaque that the wine might stick to in the first place) and wait at least 30 minutes after drinking the wine to brush your teeth again . This delay is easily explained: when you drank wine, your mouth turned into an acidic environment, and if you immediately start cleaning it off, then acid is guaranteed to get into your teeth, and as a result, this increases the risk of erosion.

The stupidest advice: drink wine through a straw. Yes, you will be kicked out from the table and will not be invited anywhere else, but your teeth will remain white. And you will become drunk

The second tip is to swallow quickly . This sounds like advice on the set of a porn film, but it really helps. If you drink slowly, rolling the wine around in your mouth, the more your teeth will stain.

Wet wipes are a great option. Cut a white paper towel and simply carry the strips in your purse or pocket. And when you go to the bathroom, just dry your teeth. This helps a lot.

Have a snack . Cheese is best for this. It's a great accompaniment, it doesn't have teeth staining pigments, it's not sour and of course because cheese goes well with wine. The trick is that cheese, or even a snack in general, helps produce saliva, which normalizes acidity in the mouth.

Other drinks that cause teeth staining

Some drinks that may be good for your body in general are not so good for your teeth. Red wine (yes, perhaps just one glass), cranberry and grape juice all affect the color of your teeth. So what happens if you don’t drink them at all? Of course you can, but you should remember to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth in a timely manner.

Remember the rule of thumb? If you spill dye on a white T-shirt, the best way to clean the stain is to soak it in water and wash it in mild bleach. The same goes for teeth: rinse and brush before stains form.

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Practical advice

Since it is impossible to completely avoid eating foods containing large amounts of chromogens, it is worth following some recommendations. They will help maintain a white smile without frequent whitening.

How to reduce the coloring effect

Immediately after the whitening procedure, coloring foods must be excluded from the diet. Several days after the lightening session, they can be used again, subject to the following rules:

  • you should not take them in the evening, since the volume of saliva, which helps wash away coloring pigments, decreases during this period;
  • after taking coloring products, you should brush your teeth or rinse your mouth as soon as possible;
  • if possible, replace coloring drinks with mineral water, or drink them through a straw;
  • Use whitening toothpaste from time to time.

When to brush your teeth

After some foods, it is not recommended to brush your teeth immediately. This is due to the presence of certain acids in them. They contribute to the weakening of the enamel, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the tooth during mechanical cleaning with a toothbrush.

The result of this process can be an increase in the number of harmful microorganisms that cause carious lesions of the enamel, inflammation of the gum tissue and unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Foods after which it is not recommended to immediately brush your teeth include white and red wine, most berries and fruits, and acid-containing sauces. It is better to rinse your mouth with water or use an irrigator.

Maintaining the whitening effect

To ensure that the effect of in-office or home whitening lasts as long as possible, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not consume foods with large amounts of chromogens for 3-4 days after the procedure;
  • stop using lipstick for several days;
  • For the first time after the procedure, use a brush with soft bristles and non-abrasive toothpaste;
  • use additional devices for oral care - irrigators, flosses;
  • exclude dark foods and drinks from the diet;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • Visit your dentist regularly and undergo plaque and tartar removal procedures.

Foods that stain teeth

Previously, we discussed some drinks that, despite their benefits, can still leave unpleasant stains on the teeth. Next, we will present some very important foods for the body, but which also affect the color of teeth: blueberries, blackberries and currants.

No, you absolutely cannot refuse to eat these berries, but immediately after eating you need to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth (always remember the rule of thumb that we discussed earlier).

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What drinks stain teeth?

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Each of us drinks different drinks every day. But do we think about their effect on tooth enamel? Many people do not even suspect that harmful drinks can significantly worsen the condition of their teeth and ruin a healthy, snow-white smile. It is worth thinking about your diet if you want to avoid unwanted effects.

Each of us drinks different drinks every day. But do we think about their effect on tooth enamel? Many people do not even suspect that harmful drinks can significantly worsen the condition of their teeth and ruin a healthy, snow-white smile. It is worth thinking about your diet if you want to avoid unwanted effects.

Are sports drinks bad for your teeth?

Sugary drinks are not good for your teeth at all. Other, acidic drinks, such as lemonade, can erode enamel over time. Long-term use of such drinks makes teeth more susceptible to substances that corrode enamel.

If you allow yourself to drink these drinks, then you should also remember the rule for cleaning a stain from a T-shirt: rinse with water and brush to reduce or stop staining.

On the subject: Habits that destroy teeth

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Useful and harmful foods for teeth

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When it comes to the oral cavity, the expression “you are what you eat” becomes truly meaningful. Sweet foods such as sugar, candy, and carbonated drinks lead to the destruction of tooth enamel. Other foods, such as dairy products or vegetables, on the other hand, help fight plaque buildup and act like a natural toothbrush, delaying dental treatment for longer.

So, what foods promote dental health?

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Medicines that may contribute to plaque formation on teeth

It's not just drinks and foods that can stain your teeth.
A list of some of these substances includes:

  • Mouthwashes containing chlorhexidine or cetylpyridinium chloride;
  • Tetracycline (provokes darkening of the enamel of young teeth);
  • Iron-containing preparations;
  • Containing fluoride (as a rule, excess fluoride causes yellowing of teeth);
  • Some antihistamines, antipsychotics, and blood pressure medications.

In some patients, teeth became so dark that whitening methods did not work. If your teeth do not respond to whitening, contact your dentist (they may coat the tooth with a lighter material).

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Daily care can also whiten teeth

Brushing your teeth daily, along with rinsing and flossing (to remove any food stuck between your teeth), has a positive effect on your teeth. Performing these procedures twice a day gives even better results. But the best thing you can do is to take oral care three times a day after each meal.

Although many experts recommend electric and ultrasonic brushes, a regular toothbrush, when used correctly, also does an excellent job of keeping your teeth clean and white.

On topic: How to brush your teeth correctly?

Professional teeth whitening - video

What affects teeth staining? Rules for dental care. Professional teeth cleaning by a dentist:

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Top 10 Foods That Stain Your Teeth

We bring to your attention a dozen products, the use of which has a detrimental effect on the appearance of teeth.
Despite the fact that outwardly teeth look like monolithic anatomical formations, however, tooth enamel has a porous structure. This means that substances contained in food can easily penetrate into it. Therefore, after eating food containing dyes, the teeth acquire a yellowish or brownish tint. More intense pigmentation of teeth is promoted by acidic dishes and foods (for example, lemon, juices), which destroy the enamel, thereby making teeth more susceptible to staining. Pigmented food molecules are called chromogens. These substances easily penetrate the enamel and settle on the tooth surface. Other substances - tannins, contained in red wine, coffee, citrus fruits, pomegranate, increase the level of pigmentation of teeth with chromogens. Therefore, products containing both of these components (chromogens and tannins) stain the tooth surface most intensely. Ten coloring products

Top 10 Foods That Stain Your TeethRed Wine Many people know that wine in moderation has health benefits. However, red wine has a negative effect on the condition of teeth. The polyphenols contained in red wine have a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

And chromogens, coupled with tannins, contained in wine, stain teeth.


The dental condition of coffee lovers is far from ideal. Regular consumption of this drink leads to the appearance of a yellow-grayish tint to the teeth. In order to reduce the level of tooth pigmentation from coffee, it is recommended to add milk to the drink. Another benefit of milk is that it contains calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of tooth enamel.

Sports drinks and energy tonics Due to increased acidity, frequent consumption of these drinks leads to the destruction of enamel, causing it to become discolored.

Tomato sauce

Tomato sauce
Due to the high acidity of tomato sauce, this product has a destructive effect on tooth enamel, which causes stains. In order to minimize pigmentation before eating tomatoes, it is recommended to eat lettuce, broccoli or spinach, which will protect your teeth from staining.

Balsamic vinegar, soy sauce Frequent consumption of dark sauces, especially those with a sour taste, lead to the formation of stains on the teeth. In this regard, it is recommended not to consume these products frequently, and, if possible, switch to lighter dressings, such as rice sauce or lemon juice.


TeaAccording to some studies, even herbal teas can stain tooth enamel, not to mention black tea, which contains tannins in large quantities. But at the same time, tea is a light bactericidal agent, which protects your teeth from the harmful effects of microorganisms. Soda Almost all sweet carbonated drinks contain large amounts of phosphoric acid. The high acidity of the drink destroys the enamel, and the dyes contained in soda (in particular, colored ones) easily penetrate deep into the enamel. In addition, carbonated drinks contain a number of harmful additives, which over time can lead to erosion processes.

Berries Dental erosion is damage to dental tissues (enamel and dentin), which results in the formation of a defect on the surfaces of the teeth. Berries such as black currants, blueberries, blackberries contain a large number of pigment molecules and acid. Therefore, after eating them, the teeth acquire a characteristic shade inherent in berries. Of course, the harmful effects on teeth cannot be compared with the invaluable benefits that berries provide to our health. Therefore, you should not deny yourself berries. You just need to carefully monitor the condition of your oral cavity during the summer season. Candies

Lollipops and sweets, especially caramel and toffee, lead to tooth staining. Frequent consumption of sweets will not only ruin the appearance of your teeth, but also have a detrimental effect on their structure. Passion for sweets leads to the proliferation of microorganisms, as a result of which caries develops. Beets After drinking beets or beet juice, immediately brush your teeth, or at least rinse your mouth. Beets contain a large number of chromogens that have a coloring effect.

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