Home teeth whitening with trays - personal experience

Types of home teeth whitening

Every day we see various commercials where we are offered teeth whitening products.
What to choose from all this? So, today we’ll look at what home whitening methods exist and what their features are. First of all, it’s worth starting with the fact that there are generally 2 types of home whitening:

  • professional;
  • unprofessional.

Every day we see various commercials where we are offered teeth whitening products. What to choose from all this? So, today we’ll look at what home whitening methods exist and what their features are.

First of all, it’s worth starting with the fact that there are generally 2 types of home whitening:

  • professional;
  • unprofessional.

Experience of friends

Knowing that among my friends and colleagues there are a lot of “health enthusiasts” and other lovers of all sorts of useful things, I began to actively poll people about the use of such gels with mouth guards. After talking with people, I found out that many of them tried to whiten their teeth this way. Some looked for it themselves, others were recommended by doctors.

In fact, all the systems that come across are divided into two types - with peroxide and without it. The rest comes down to marketing, etc.

Self-installation of a whitening tray

One of these compositions was made based on sodium perborate NaBO3. Nothing new. It was previously added to tooth powders. Now - into bleaches and detergents.

There were, of course, those who swore, claiming that all these funds were pure fraud. Indeed, it is somewhat presumptuous to hope that, having smoked since the age of twelve and drinking five cups of coffee a day, you can quickly whiten your teeth with gel. Although I don’t rule out that they got a fake.

Trays for home teeth whitening should be stored in a special case and washed after each use.

Professional teeth whitening

Professional teeth whitening is prescribed by a doctor, and it is performed by you at home. This can be either independent whitening or maintenance after in-office whitening. Patients love this method very much for its convenience and comfort of use. When whitening, whitening gel and special trays are used. This gel is poured into the mouth guards and worn from several minutes to several hours. The time to wear the mouthguard depends on the whitening system, the concentration of the gel, and, accordingly, the course prescribed by the dentist.

If necessary, mouth guards can be made specifically for you.

Professional whitening can be done at night or during the day. Here the patient chooses himself, focusing on personal wishes.

What you should know

No whitening system, except those used by dentists, can guarantee 100% effectiveness for all people. The reason is that some of us have a naturally darker enamel color than we would like. Therefore, neither pastes nor gels can change this.

Teeth whitening trays

However, if you decide to buy a home whitening system, get ready for the fact that it won’t work “as in the picture.” Although it (at least the one I bought) helps remove plaque and restore the natural color of the enamel. With repeated use, you can achieve whitening of two, and sometimes even three tones. This is quite good for such methods.

Possible contraindications for home teeth whitening:

Contraindicated for individuals under 18 years of age

There is a possibility of intolerance to the components in the whitening gel

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation

There are piercings on the tongue, cheeks and lips

If there are various inflammatory diseases in the mouth

With recent tooth extraction

Is it comfortable to wear a mouth guard for home teeth whitening? It's very individual. It's convenient for some, not so much for others. She didn't bother me.

Teeth whitening with trays

Non-professional home teeth whitening

Non-professional bleaching is divided into several types. Let's look at each in a little more detail.

Whitening pastes, rinses

All these funds are more of a marketing ploy. To achieve a whitening effect, the paste must contain at least a small concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This substance is not associated with cleansing, and can even cause negative consequences in the form of a burn to the oral cavity. That is why manufacturers are prohibited from adding it to paste. Based on this, we can conclude that the whitening effect occurs directly due to mechanical cleaning and normal plaque removal.

Accordingly, you should not expect a whitening effect here. The enamel will still have the same natural color.

Whitening strips

The manufacturer says that such strips contain hydrogen peroxide, so there should be an effect. Taking into account the small peroxide content, whitening efficiency will not be so high. It will take longer to get results compared to in-office whitening.

It is also worth mentioning that the strips do not contain fluoride components. That is why we recommend undergoing a fluoridation procedure.

Whitening strips can be used as a method of whitening, but as before any other procedure, be sure to brush your teeth and follow a “white” diet.

Sets with small lamp

This type of bleaching is unsafe for the tooth structure because it is exposed to light. As a result, microcracks form in the enamel. In addition, sensitivity increases. If you don't follow a diet and eat coloring products, you can achieve worse results than before.

About personal experience

The result of my stalkerish search on the forums was the acquisition of an Australian set called White Glo. Inside a beautiful translucent box (marketing for a five, because everything looks beautiful) there is a paste, a gel and a mouth guard on which this gel is applied.

Teeth whitening gels

About the pros:

  • There is no abrasive effect on the enamel. Apparently, only chemistry works;
  • helps against stains that appear when drinking coffee or black tea;
  • in general, it is inexpensive;
  • the procedure takes a minimum of time;
  • reusable aps.

How long to keep teeth whitening product with trays? Apparently, this thing is concentrated, because the instructions require using it for no more than five minutes daily.

Teeth whitening with White Glo trays

There is only one minus - the gel, of which there are 100 ml in a bottle, sooner or later runs out. And you can hardly buy it separately from the set anywhere. Buying another set of the same, it seems to me, is somewhat expensive. However, this does not need to be done so often that it hits the budget.

Sequence of actions for teeth whitening with a mouth guard

Reviews from people

Numerous reviews about home teeth whitening with trays show that buyers of such products are divided into three camps - those who did not help at all, those who helped, but they expected more, and those who are delighted with the effect.

I was interested in the second group of buyers. They told the truth, which was required to write this review.

Group one – medium degree of pigmentation. These are people 25-40 years old, often drink tea and coffee, moderate smokers or non-smokers. Their effect is noticeable, but they believe that “you can do better for the money.”

Home teeth whitening using a tray

Group two – the degree of pigmentation is low. People are either young or around 40, but regularly devote time to oral hygiene. They think that their teeth are not white enough. Most often we are talking about those whose “default” enamel is a little darker than they would like. But this category is very paranoid about color, and at-home methods are either unsafe or not as effective at whitening more than three shades.

Group three – experienced smokers who are desperate to try to return their teeth to at least normal color. For them, even a small effect is not bad. They often give high ratings and are generally satisfied with the results of using such tools. But they don’t always understand that it may take them 3-6 months to see the real capabilities of gels and caps.

Teeth whitening

There is another separate category. These are people who are always dissatisfied with something. Something is always wrong with them. And the grass used to be greener, and the bleaching products are not the same now... It is impossible to please them. Their comments are usually worth reading just for the humor.

I personally consider myself to be a satisfied customer. There is an effect and for the money I paid it is quite good. Would I recommend it to others? Only for those who look at things realistically and do not expect that after home whitening with trays your smile will be exactly as advertised.

Main types of teeth whitening trays

Try it, share your opinions, comment and don’t forget to subscribe to updates. Your experience of using express methods is interesting.

Duration of result

Each whitening method has some limitations on how long it can be effective. I was wondering how long the effect of using the mouth guard gel would last.

High-quality teeth whitening systems can provide an effect that lasts 1-3 years.

Teeth whitening tray

I will immediately make an allowance for the fact that you will avoid coloring foods for several months, and do not forget about regular teeth brushing and other procedures. If your life and diet have not changed in any way, you will soon receive a new layer of plaque and pigmentation, which will again have to be removed in one way or another.

Beautiful smile

Advantages and disadvantages

I'll start with the advantages. Firstly, the price of this teeth whitening option in most cases is less than that of “office” methods. Secondly, no discomfort. I put on the mouthguard, walked around a bit, took it off, and rinsed my mouth. Thirdly, it is quite safe for tooth enamel. You don't need to rub it with baking soda or clean it with lemon juice.

Effectiveness of whitening gel

There are few disadvantages, but they exist. The first and most significant is the level of whitening. What you achieve in the clinic is impossible to achieve at home. The effect does not occur in half an hour or an hour, as with some “Zoom”, but after several procedures. In advanced cases, there is a possibility that the gel simply will not help you.

Teeth whitening Zoom AP

What do dentists say?

Of course, it is much more profitable for dentists to attract people to their clinics, but I would like to know what they think about home methods. After reading the answers of experienced specialists, I realized that there are many remedies that they themselves recommend to their patients. So there is nothing wrong with using all these gels and trays.

Whitening efficiency

The only thing they said against such methods is that, in their opinion, the optimal effect can only be achieved if the dental veneers are made individually for each person.

Home teeth whitening

Here I generally agree. Only the price of one pad in a decent clinic may exceed the cost of a ready-made set.

There are mixed opinions about hydrogen peroxide. Some believe that it is unsafe to use it without supervision, others believe that the gels have undergone clinical trials, and others say that such substances make sense only when activation is performed with special lamps. It is logical that everyone suggests turning to him.


Video - Teeth whitening with trays. Home whitening

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