Peroxide and soda in the fight against coronavirus - an interview with a therapist at Dr. Neumyvakin’s clinic

Hydrogen peroxide is one of four cheap and effective cleaning products. But is it safe in itself? What if you enhance it with baking soda? Or mix with vinegar?

I’m starting a series of posts on four products that we use at home for cleaning, washing, disinfecting, and so on.

Hydrogen peroxide Vinegar Baking soda Neutral soap

We use them without thinking. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Sometimes we want to enhance the effectiveness of products, sometimes these are grandmothers' recipes. But I wondered what chemistry had to say about this. In what cases is it safe, in what cases is it effective, and in what cases is it just a waste of my time.

I will go through all the combinations, as well as the topic of why something works, although chemistry tells us that it is impossible.

Let's start with hydrogen peroxide .

Hydrogen peroxide is very similar to water, except for the extra oxygen atom. Therefore, it is an excellent oxidizing agent and works on the principle of bleach. Peroxide is a weak acid.

Do not forget that we are not working with pure peroxide, but with its 3% aqueous solution.

Hydrogen peroxide combined with vinegar | Naturally blog off the beaten track

How to take according to Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin I.P. is a Doctor of Medical Sciences and a supporter of alternative methods of medicine. He devoted most of his life to the issue of human health. Treatment with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide is a disease prevention and a unique way to combat them. The development of the treatment method took the professor many years. The scientist claims that the interaction of soda and hydrogen peroxide allows you to replace many medications and work wonders on the human body. The remedy can be called a panacea, since it can get rid of kidney stones, excess cholesterol, salt deposits and completely restore the body. In addition to being highly efficient, the method has a very fast response. 15 minutes after consumption, blood cells begin to be completely renewed and the functioning of all human organs is normalized. Of course, this technique should be used only after consultation with a specialist. This approach will minimize the risks of possible side effects or negative influences. If a person is at stage 3 of cancer, then the use of this technique can lead to irreversible consequences. In the absence of contraindications, you can practice treatment according to Neumyvakin.

How to take at the same time

You should start using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide with small dosages. When you first use it, you should take a small amount of soda that can fit on the tip of a teaspoon. After this, you need to monitor the body’s reaction. After two days, you can increase the amount of soda to half a teaspoon. After a week, you can consume one teaspoon or tablespoon of baking soda diluted with a glass of water. It is strictly forbidden to use soda with hot water. The interaction of these substances can cause serious damage to the laryngeal mucosa. As a result, a burn may occur. Also, it is not recommended to drink soda with cold water. It can take a lot of energy for the body to process it. The best option would be to use warm water. It is not forbidden to drink soda with milk or honey. It is recommended to use the composition 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Following this schedule will allow you to achieve the desired result in a fairly short time. If you drink soda after a heavy meal, a large amount of gas will accumulate, followed by stomach upset. Treatment with soda can be an excellent prevention of heart disease and gastrointestinal tract diseases. Soda is a natural product and therefore absolutely harmless. However, individual intolerance of the body is possible. Therefore, treatment with soda is considered an individual matter. Based on your health status and internal sensations, you can determine the course and frequency of treatment. It would be a good idea to check the soda. To do this, you need to monitor the expiration date and also drip vinegar on it. Fresh soda will give a violent reaction in the form of bubbles. If the soda is expired, the effect will not occur, so you should not drink it.

Neumyvakin provides several recipes for soda solutions. He recommends drinking soda half an hour before meals. Treatment with soda should be carried out in a certain sequence and dosage. At the first stage, you need to use the solution for 3 days. Next you should take a break for 3 days. This will avoid a negative reaction from the body. In order to improve well-being, the professor recommends that everyone use soda treatment. The solutions can not only be drunk, but also used as an enema. Using an Esmarch mug and a solution of soda and water in an amount of 1.5 liters. you need to do douching. This procedure should be carried out daily for a month. Further, you can perform this procedure every other day. Also, soda solution can be used as a mouth rinse. This will avoid the occurrence of caries, stomatitis, and also help restore the acid-base balance.

The professor pays a lot of attention to the beneficial properties of hydrogen peroxide. The human body produces an acid that is similar in composition to peroxide. In adulthood, its production decreases significantly, so it is necessary to replenish it from the outside. The specificity of this method lies in its accessibility and simplicity. Such products can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy. Soda should be mixed in a quarter glass of water. Add 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide to this solution. If the body reacts favorably to the procedure and noticeable improvements appear, you can increase the number of drops to 4-5. Ideally, you should add about 15 drops to every glass of water a person drinks. At the same time, the volume of water diluted with peroxide should not exceed 200 drops. Since hydrogen peroxide is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drug, it can cope with purulent formations and inflammatory processes. You can also rinse your throat and nose with the solution.

Why old people are healthier than young people - interesting facts

Each person strives and comes to the truth in his own way, fulfills his dream, and goes through his own path in life. But there is hardly anyone who would not wonder how to live life in a healthy body and sound mind until old age.

Tulio Simoncini
Tulio Simoncini. Italy. The doctor who cures cancer with soda.

Paul Bragg, Norbert Walker, Alexey Dorogov, Porfiry Ivanov, Nikolai Amosov, Ivan Neumyvakin at one time proved that the proverb “If only youth knew, if only old age could” is wrong. And in old age, a person’s health can be the same as that of a young person. But you need to work on this yourself.

This is interesting! Evidence that geniuses unrecognized during their lifetime were right in their beliefs:

  • Paul Bragg died at the age of 97 under a giant wave while surfing. An autopsy showed that he was in good health for 18 years of age.
  • Norbert Walker became a father at 102 years old.
  • Porfiry Ivanov, a legendary man, the author of the “Detka” health system, proved by his own example how a person can live 5 months without food and 3 months without water in unity with the forces of nature. Lived to be 85 years old.
  • Alexey Dorogov, under conditions of persecution, envy and Stalinist oppression, invented a unique biostimulant ASD, which still remains unrecognized by scientists, but is in demand in folk medicine. He did not live to old age and died under mysterious circumstances.
  • Academician Amosov is the greatest surgeon of our time, inventor, author of a method of healing through a system of physical activity. He lived to be 89 years old and performed heart surgery at an old age.
  • Ivan Neumyvakin is the greatest biochemist, the author of numerous scientific inventions, who came to the origins of medicine through practice, studying human health in extreme conditions. Lived to be 90 years old. Soda and hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin are only part of his teaching on how to live a full life until old age.

These are just shining examples of genius, rays of light breaking through the skating rink of the inexorable laws of economics, profit, gain, gain. It is vital for this machine to crush us with its roller, it is beneficial for it that we, receiving terrible diagnoses, buy expensive medicines, pay for operations and chemotherapy, spend all our energy on it and still find ourselves “rolled up” in the asphalt of our medical history. And in our place, so that our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren come. But are you willing to be a biomaterial? Hardly!

Treatment of fungus with soda and hydrogen peroxide

Most people are sure that the appearance of fungus is a minor cosmetic problem. However, such a disease can be dangerous. The manifestation of the fungus begins gradually with white spots. After this, the nail plates delaminate, color changes and small cracks appear. If treatment is not started promptly and promptly, the fungus will infect the body. As a result, it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

  • Hydrogen peroxide is used to disinfect various affected areas of the skin. At home, you can treat fungus with baking soda and peroxide. This will allow you to effectively treat and get rid of the fungus. To do this, you need to steam your feet in a soda solution, in which there are 5 grams of soda per 1 liter of water. You can soak cotton wool in a soda solution and apply it to the affected area of ​​the nail. Such lotions should be wrapped in plastic and left for an hour. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly rinse the skin areas. If a burning sensation occurs, you need to repeat the procedure 2 times a day.
  • An effective way to combat fungus is soda baths. To prepare it you need to take 30 grams of peroxide per 1 liter of water. The procedure should be performed twice a day. Visible sensations will occur in approximately 3 days.
  • Lotions. You need to steam your feet in soapy water and dry with a towel. Using a cotton pad and peroxide solution, you need to apply it to the affected area and wrap it in plastic. After half an hour, you can remove the bandage and remove the softened nail plate.

Contraindications and possible harm

Healer I.P. Neumyvakin believes that there are very few serious contraindications for using his method. But there are still diseases and conditions in which soda and peroxide will not be useful, but harmful. Among them:

  • tumor diseases, except the initial stage;
  • stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems, including high or low acidity;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1;
  • blood diseases;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis in the acute stage;
  • HIV infection and tuberculosis;
  • anemia (moderate and severe);
  • weight deficiency;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • allergic reaction to soda or peroxide;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This method should be used with caution in the very elderly and at an early age. If you experience discomfort after using the solutions, you should immediately reduce the dose or interrupt the course.

Often there are negative reviews about the effects of the method associated with the incorrect use of soda and peroxide solutions.

Among the most common mistakes is drug overdose. It can cause headache, nausea, pain in the stomach or intestines, and diarrhea.

Diarrhea will also be caused by soda dissolved not in hot, but in cool or warm water. Dr. Neumyvakin advises strictly following the dose, method of preparing solutions and duration of treatment.

Video: Academician Olga Butakova completely disagrees with Professor Neumyvakin

How peroxide works

The liquid actually has bleaching properties because it suppresses the production of melanin in the body. When hair is bleached, the substance enters the structure of the curl - an amino acid reaction occurs, and the strand changes shade. However, the product is less effective at lightening the skin. Peroxide molecules are not able to penetrate into the deep layers of tissue containing melanin. Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide also does not work. Oxygen atoms do not affect dentin and the pigment it contains.

The substance is a component of professional dental gels, but is not suitable for independent use. Specialists use products with a peroxide concentration of 45 to 60% and additional elements that soften the aggressive effects of the reagent - glycerin, potassium or fluorine. In addition, the solution is applied only to the tooth surface, and the gums and mucous membranes are protected by a retractor. The concentration of liquid from the pharmacy is only 3 - 6%. This is not enough for home teeth whitening with peroxide.

Photo of hydrogen peroxide for teeth whitening

Why does silver darken?

How and with what to clean silver from blackness at home - photo 1Why does silver darken
? Silver is a noble precious metal with unique properties, such as:

  • plastic;
  • strength;
  • ductility;
  • electrical and thermal conductivity;
  • high reflectivity;
  • chemical activity.

Accessories, cutlery, and jewelry will delight the owners for a long time if you learn to maintain the original shine of the products.

It is worth finding out how you can clean silver and where the darkening comes from. The unattractive blackness that affects jewelry occurs for several reasons:

  • Interaction with hydrogen sulfide. Silver alloys always contain copper. It is she who reacts with the active sulfur-containing compound. As a result, the product oxidizes, acquiring a dark color.
  • Poor quality alloy. Each product made of precious metal has a sample that allows you to determine the quality of the jewelry. The highest standard is 925. Such products are resistant to negative external influences and do not oxidize. But if the item is made of a low grade alloy (from 720 to 830), then the quality of the product will certainly be reflected in its resistance to darkening.
  • Environmental impact. If the silver has darkened, it is possible that the product is often in contact with environmental objects: some food products, chemicals, including cosmetics, high humidity.
  • Health problems. It turns out that during disruption of the body or stress, hormonal levels change, resulting in increased sweat production. Human sweat contains substances such as sulfur and sulfates that react chemically with silver. As a result, silver items quickly lose their shine and become covered with dark spots.

There are also factors that can increase the rate of silver oxidation:

  • Physical exercise. Sweating increases during exercise. Silver reacts with sweat and begins to darken.
  • Stress. During times of stress, the sweat glands become more active, producing more sweat. As a result, jewelry that comes into contact with the skin becomes dull.
  • High ambient temperature. When it's hot, sweat is produced more actively so that the body can cool down to normal temperature. With high humidity, silver turns black faster.
  • Swimming in the pool. Pool water contains many chemical impurities used to kill pathogenic bacteria. Contact and chemical reaction with disinfectants lead to blackening of products.
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