Pros and cons of all popular types of modern braces


Braces require not only patience and investment from orthodontic patients, but also determination.

After all, many people’s idea of ​​designs remains from the past, when systems were quite cumbersome and significantly affected the quality of life.

Modern orthodontics offers you a choice of many types of braces, before installing which you can carefully weigh all their positive and negative qualities.

General advantages of the systems

Modern brace systems have a high level of popularity due to many definitely positive aspects.

Among them are:

  • installation during which the patient does not feel pain;
  • minimizing the likelihood of developing caries in the oral cavity during the operation of the structure;
  • absence of violations in facial aesthetics;
  • the ability to create a smile as close to ideal as possible;
  • reliability of installation, which makes it impossible for children to remove braces;
  • no need for surgical intervention;
  • the ability to create all conditions for high-quality hygiene and, if necessary, treatment;
  • a wide range of pricing policies allows the majority of orthodontic patients to correct their bite;
  • the ability to hide the presence of a structure in the oral cavity from others.

Ceramic braces pros and cons


Lingual braces are the most expensive of all types of orthodontic treatment. The price consists of the cost of the construction material (often a gold alloy), the complex work of the orthodontist and the brand that produces the systems. Thus, installation of the Stb system on both jaws in Moscow costs on average 190,000-230,000 rubles. The price of In-Ovation-L braces is from 250,000, and the most advanced Incognito braces are up to 400,000 rubles. This price includes all installation and removal work, as well as the price of a wire retainer, which must be worn after completing the course of bite correction with lingual braces.

Disadvantages of all designs

There is nothing perfect in this world. Modern braces are no exception. The designs also have disadvantages. Users and experts highlight some inconveniences:

  • creating difficulties in caring for the oral cavity when wearing most systems;
  • metal braces significantly reduce the aesthetics of a smile;
  • speech impairment during the adaptation period of wearing the system;
  • the likelihood of injury to the oral mucosa;
  • the need to exclude certain foods during treatment;
  • construction maintenance costs.

Despite all the listed disadvantages, the final result of wearing braces exceeds all expectations. Otherwise they wouldn't be so popular.

By type of fastening

Braces pros and cons reviews from doctors
According to the classification of systems according to the type of fixation, braces are ligature or self-ligating (ligature-free).


The design consisting of an arch (ligature) of braces and fastening elements attracts patients due to the following advantages:

  • the ability to correct the most complex dental defects;
  • absence of pain while wearing the structure, due to the elasticity of the arches;
  • the ability to create fastening rubber bands in different colors, which attracts children;
  • time-tested reliability;
  • availability.

Among the shortcomings of the creators of ligature constructions are:

  • tight fixation of the arch often causes a feeling of discomfort during the adaptation period;
  • the system creates difficulties when brushing your teeth;
  • fastening rings must be changed periodically, since the elastic elements do not withstand the entire service life;
  • the material from which the elastic bands are made is prone to staining by food products;
  • The duration of treatment is slightly longer than when wearing non-ligature structures.

Evaluate the results of teeth straightening with braces using photos before and after orthodontic treatment.

Let's talk here about the features of the lingual brace system.

At this address we will talk about how long you need to wear braces on your teeth.


The difference between systems of this type is not only the absence of an arc, but also the presence of clamps, due to the sliding of which a specialist can periodically correct the treatment.

Among their main advantages are:

  • relatively high level of aesthetics;
  • the possibility of bite correction in patients suffering from periodontal disease;
  • the compactness of the design creates minimal difficulties during the adaptation period and during brushing;
  • participation of the muscles of the lips, cheeks and tongue in the process of correcting the bite, which significantly reduces the service life of braces;
  • elimination of the defect occurs due to individual action on each tooth.

Among the disadvantages of orthodontic appliances, patients highlight only the relatively high cost.

What examinations need to be completed before installation?

If you definitely decide to become the owner of a Hollywood smile, before starting orthodontic treatment you will have to undergo a preliminary diagnosis, which includes an initial examination of the oral cavity and drawing up a photo protocol. Then impressions are taken, from which a plaster model is made - a copy of the patient’s teeth, necessary for making accurate calculations. The doctor measures the size of the teeth and determines in which plane a particular patient has a deficiency or, conversely, a surplus of space. Computer diagnostics are required; a lateral view of the head is taken, which allows one to see the true size of the jaws and their position in relation to the facial skeleton.

“We need to understand that when we examine patients, there are always soft tissues, there are muscles that can camouflage the pathology. This lateral projection image allows us to fully identify the problem and choose the appropriate treatment tactics,” noted Evgenia Belousova.

Also, in some cases, a CT scan is required. Such an in-depth examination is necessary if the orthodontist has doubts about the health or configuration of the roots of the teeth. In addition, CT allows you to see unerupted teeth or thin biotype, that is, thin bone tissue, which is extremely important because when teeth move, they must remain within the bone.

Thus, a standard examination includes photographs, casts, computer examination and drawing up a photo protocol.

Metal braces are a relatively quick way to correct bite imperfections

Photo from the personal archive of Evgenia Belousova / Evgenia Belousova

According to the material of manufacture

Types of braces pros and cons
The use of various materials in the manufacture of a structure creates certain positive and negative aspects.


The classic material creates the following advantages for systems:

  • availability;
  • high strength characteristics and level of resistance to excessive mechanical loads;
  • the design is resistant to food coloring;
  • does not create a feeling of discomfort during the adaptation period;
  • reduces the period of orthodontic treatment.

Despite a number of advantages, there are also disadvantages to metal braces. The most significant include:

  • low level of aesthetics;
  • the likelihood of gum injury.


Plastic for making braces is becoming more and more a thing of the past every year, because orthodontists recommend more advanced devices.

But at one time this type of design proved itself on the positive side:

  1. High level of aesthetics. According to this characteristic, the product is not inferior to ceramic and sapphire braces. With professional color selection, the plastic will not differ from the tone of your enamel, and transparent ligatures will completely hide the system on the teeth.
  2. Security level. In rare cases, the material injures the mucous membrane and causes irritation on the mucous membrane. In addition, the plastic used to make the structure is hypoallergenic.
  3. Unique design. The material allows manufacturers to create not only multi-colored orthodontic devices, but also to decorate them with drawings, which eliminates many problems when installing the device for a child.
  4. Availability. Compared to other types of braces, plastic systems can be afforded by the majority of patients in orthodontic clinics.

Experts, as a rule, before installing a structure made of aesthetically valuable material, invite patients to familiarize themselves with its shortcomings.

Among them:

  1. Tendency to pigmentation. You can enjoy a high level of aesthetics only for the first few months. Afterwards, under the influence of food coloring, the plastic will change color.
  2. Low strength characteristics. Plastic cannot withstand significant mechanical loads. It is easily erased and can peel off from the system, which negatively affects the duration of treatment.
  3. Slow bite correction process. Due to the low level of friction of plastic, patients wear systems based on it much longer.
  4. Availability of additional investments. When structural elements come loose or break, systems must be replaced, which incurs unexpected costs.


Sapphire braces pros and cons
Some of the most expensive designs for correcting malocclusion differ due to certain advantages:

  • have a high level of aesthetics;
  • practically do not cause difficulties during the adaptation period;
  • have excellent strength characteristics and adhere securely to the teeth;
  • do not injure the oral mucosa.

Aesthetically attractive devices also have a number of disadvantages:

  • Ligatures must be changed monthly. In addition, they are not resistant to food coloring;
  • the design is not compact; the parameters of ceramic systems are inferior to metal ones;
  • the need for constant change of ligatures increases the duration of treatment;
  • ceramics are unable to cope with severe forms of defects;
  • Due to the high cost, few can afford to install this type of structure.

Watch a video on how to properly brush your teeth with braces of various designs.

In this publication, we will discuss whether it hurts to put braces on children’s teeth.

Follow the link if you are interested in how much dental braces cost.


This type of orthodontic structures stands out from others with the following positive aspects:

  • high level of aesthetics, due to its compactness and resistance to coloring pigments. Therefore, owners of the design are confident that the surface of the product will not change color throughout its entire service life;
  • minimal adaptation period;
  • lack of influence on diction;
  • smooth surface, which ensures safety of wearing the system and prevents damage to the mucous membrane of the gums or tongue;
  • minimal likelihood of developing caries in the oral cavity with appropriate care.

Despite such ideal characteristics, the sapphire orthodontic device also has a number of disadvantages:

  • compared to metal systems, they are more fragile and require careful handling;
  • create certain conditions for carrying out hygiene procedures. Products should be cleaned after each meal, and morning and evening manipulations should be carried out with a special brush and paste;
  • wearing a fragile structure increases the duration of treatment;
  • sapphire systems are much more expensive than hard-to-find ceramic ones.


Usually, even before installing braces from the selected material, the orthodontist warns about their advantages and disadvantages. The most budget-friendly plastic options are great for children and teenagers. They can be made to order in any shape and color. But plastic has a number of disadvantages, which primarily include low strength.

In addition, this material is characterized by the presence of a large number of pores into which dyes easily penetrate. As a result, after just a few months, if the diet is not followed, braces may lose their attractiveness. Doctors do not recommend drinking too much tea, coffee, wine, fresh juices, or eating beets or red cabbage during treatment.

Under heavy loads, the plastic can easily peel off or crack. Then the locks will have to be changed, and in some cases the entire structure will have to be changed. As for the speed of correcting pathologies, when using plastic the process will take longer than when installing, for example, metal or ceramics. This is explained by the fact that the material is not able to withstand too much pressure from a metal arc.

By location

Lingual braces pros and cons
In addition to the fact that braces are made from different materials and are fixed in different ways, they may also differ in their location in the oral cavity.


Systems installed on the front areas of the teeth still have certain advantages:

  • the design can be selected to suit any budget, because all the materials listed above are used for this type of fastening;
  • installation of such braces is carried out in all orthodontic clinics;
  • can correct bites of any complexity.

Disadvantages of the vestibular apparatus:

  • the need to use additional tools for oral care - brushes, dental floss, irrigators, etc.;
  • low level of aesthetics, especially when it comes to metal systems;
  • the likelihood of stains forming on the enamel during operation.


The main advantage of this type of braces is that they are invisible to prying eyes, since the systems are fixed on the inside of the teeth.

But the advantages of lingual systems do not end there:

  • do not injure the mucous membranes of the cheeks, gums and lips;
  • able to cope with deep bite problems;
  • do not damage the enamel structure;
  • make it possible to make a design even for allergy sufferers.

However, lingual braces also have a significant list of disadvantages that overshadow all the advantages described:

  • internal systems distort diction, the correction of which requires diligent special training;
  • the design can damage the mucous membrane of the tongue and create the sensation of a foreign body in the mouth;
  • installation of the device requires a lot of time;
  • one of the systems that has the largest number of contraindications;
  • internal localization increases the treatment period;
  • for a high level of aesthetics you will have to pay a considerable amount.

You will learn the opinions of orthodontic patients about the pros and cons of various braces from the video.

What is more expensive - braces or aligners?

In some individual cases, expensive branded aligners may be more expensive than cheap braces, especially with long-term treatment involving many stages. But if the comparison is made correctly, comparing cases of the same degree of complexity, then the difference in the price of braces or aligners will either be minimal, or even aligners will be more profitable.

Imported mouthguards from foreign manufacturers are more expensive. Our clinic cooperates with Star Smile, a leading domestic manufacturer of aligners, which, with completely similar quality, have a much lower price. This allows us to offer treatment for malocclusion using aligners at the most affordable prices.

Therefore, to the question: what to choose: braces or aligners? – our doctors answer unequivocally – choose aligners. This will provide greater comfort during treatment, better aesthetics and will be much more profitable.

Popular myths

On many forums on the global Internet, and in life, people discuss many myths and legends about installing and wearing braces.

Orthodontics is not for adults!

Modern braces have no age restrictions. If the condition of the oral cavity allows, why not correct the malocclusion.

Of course, with age, teeth misalignment only gets worse. However, this is not a contraindication to the installation of an orthodontic apparatus; it will simply require products with the highest impact indicators.

In addition, to prevent the teeth from returning to their usual place, the treatment includes a retention period - wearing special retainer products to consolidate the result.

For some adults, the retention period can last for the rest of their lives.

Metal braces pros and cons

Impact on dental health

The design itself does not provoke the development of caries in the oral cavity. Disease and destruction of enamel is a consequence of lack of quality oral care.

Braces that are glued to the teeth can also affect the structure of hard tissues. Therefore, when correcting a bite, you should not skimp on hygiene products and give preference to systems that closely interact with the enamel.

Malocclusion is just an aesthetic defect

In addition to correcting aesthetic defects, braces perform a preventive function for many problems in the body. After all, uneven distribution of the load due to malocclusion will eventually lead to the loss of teeth, which are most involved in the chewing process.

In addition, pathology sometimes significantly affects the quality of grinding of products, which leads to malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Incorrectly positioned teeth complicate dental treatment and hygiene procedures, cause inflammatory processes and can lead to dysfunction of the mandibular joint.

Allergy sufferers are not allowed

Today, when studying the condition of the patient’s oral cavity, specialists are interested in the presence of allergies to certain types of materials that are used for the manufacture of structures, in the last place.

After all, modern orthodontics allows you to choose braces that will not cause rejection. The only question remains is the price.

The video provides more information about the pros and cons of leveling devices.


The procedure for installing ceramic braces has a number of contraindications, which can be relative or absolute:

  • The first group includes caries, non-compliance with the rules of personal oral hygiene, hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to the material of the structure being installed, and dental diseases of inflammatory origin. When treating the above ailments, wearing braces may be allowed - this issue should be decided by your attending physician.
  • Conditions in which it is strictly forbidden to carry out this procedure are the absence of healthy teeth that will support braces and can withstand all the stress, diseases of the blood, immune, endocrine system, tuberculosis, damage to the bone apparatus.
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