malocclusion in children treatment
Malocclusion in a child: ways to correct it
Stages of bite formation in children The process of bite formation in a child can be divided into several
Dark spot on the gum near a tooth in a child
Teething syndrome in children: signs, treatment of symptoms
11/30/2019 While the child is still small and does not understand why he needs to take care of his condition
How many baby teeth should children have?
Teeth in children aged 12 to 18 years (and beyond).
“Temporary”, the first teeth are called milk teeth. This name was given by Hippocrates, who believed that in their
Bone grafting of the alveolar process of the maxilla
Bone grafting is the augmentation of bone tissue, which is often very necessary for dental implantation.
A child’s gums are bleeding: causes, treatment, quick help
Causes of development of gingivitis in children The abundance of causes causing the disease can be divided into two large ones
Gavrilov's classification of partial defects. Classification of dentition defects according to Kennedy and Gavrilov || Kennedy and Gavrilov classification
The doctor plans orthopedic treatment individually for each patient, taking into account the number and location of missing
Why do babies get caries?
How to overcome childhood fears and persuade your child to get his tooth fixed?
Treatment of various dental diseases in children should be more gentle than in adults.
Coated tongue
Why clean your tongue from plaque and how to do it correctly?
Why you need to clean your tongue How to clean your tongue How to clean your tongue For many people, hygiene
Teething pattern
Temperature during teething: how many days does it last (symptoms)?
What is the timing of teething? Milk teeth erupt at a certain period in a child’s life. Not all
Silvering of baby teeth photo
All about the procedure for silvering baby teeth in children
The procedure of silvering teeth is the impregnation of areas affected by caries with silver, which strengthens dentin and
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