Why the side of the tongue hurts: reasons, how to treat discomfort in the oral cavity, preventive recommendations

Cracks and chips in teeth sometimes appear at the most unexpected moments. In this case, dentin may not be affected at all, and therefore such mechanical damage does not entail any noticeable discomfort. It happens that a tooth even breaks off in a dream, and then a person notices the problem only when soft tissues are irritated - the tongue, gums or the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the cheeks. If part of your tooth has chipped, you should contact a qualified dentist as soon as possible. Qualified specialists at Dr. Granov’s dental clinic will help you determine the cause of the defect and promptly undertake high-quality restoration of your tooth.


Common reasons:

  • various injuries resulting from excessive mechanical pressure;
  • biting and chewing rough and hard food;
  • pathological bite;
  • bruxism;
  • failed fillings, crowns;
  • thin enamel due to metabolic disorders and others.

According to statistics, the front teeth are the most likely to chip. There are factors that lead to chipping. These include:

  • caries and its complications;
  • non-carious diseases (fluorosis, hypoplasia, etc.);
  • bad habits (for example, chewing a pencil, pens);
  • poorly placed crowns and fillings;
  • use of highly abrasive pastes (whitening).

It is worth noting that very often chips occur on dead teeth - those from which the nerves have been removed. The fact is that they are very fragile. After canal treatment, they must be covered with an orthopedic crown.

What to do

If the tongue is rubbed by a tooth, then it is necessary to assess the degree of chipping. Small chips smooth out quite quickly on their own and no longer cause discomfort. There is no need to treat this tooth, because it does not pose any danger.

All small wounds and abrasions on the tongue will heal very quickly.

To speed up the tongue recovery process, you should refrain from hot, salty and spicy foods. The pharmacy sells special creams and gels that can be used to lubricate damaged areas on the tongue.

A broken tooth is dangerous

Broken tooth requires treatment

Well relieves inflammation using lotions using sea buckthorn or rosehip oil. Apply a moistened cloth to the damaged area for 10–15 minutes. The procedure must be carried out three times a day.

Before going to bed, you can rinse your mouth with propolis tincture. It needs to be diluted more with water. You can simply anoint the rubbed areas with honey.

If a large section of a tooth has chipped, then you cannot do without a dentist. The dentist will sand down all sharp edges and treat them with a special product. It may be necessary to restore the tooth or even resort to prosthetics.

Seeing a dentist for treatment

Contacting your dentist will help eliminate the cause of the rubbing.

What to do if it is not possible to go to the dentist in a timely manner, and your tongue begins to rub on your teeth. This situation can happen during a vacation outside the city.

In this case, you can use improvised means. To help smooth out sharp edges:

  • file with fine abrasive;
  • glass nail file;
  • sandpaper with the finest grit.

Clear imprints on the tongue

Clear teeth marks on the tongue

The selected item is first soaked in alcohol or any disinfectant. Light stroking movements smooth out the damaged area. Do not press too hard, otherwise the enamel and gums will be damaged. It is recommended to use this method only in extreme cases.

If a broken tooth has caries and a dark spot appears after a chip, then you should not put off visiting the dentist for too long. Dark staining of the enamel indicates that a destructive process has been activated in the tooth tissues. If the tooth is not treated in time and a filling is not placed, it will have to be removed in the near future.

Tongue injury from sharp edges

Injury from sharp edges of fillings

Sometimes, due to serious facial injuries, it happens that a piece of the tooth breaks off below the gum level. In this case, the pain will be very intense. With a deep chip, the gums can be injured. Sometimes a nerve is even exposed. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will take a photo and decide whether the tooth can be healed or whether it will have to be removed. If immediate contact with a doctor is unrealistic, then it is recommended to rinse your mouth as often as possible. For rinsing, it is better to use a decoction of chamomile or sage. If you experience severe pain, you need to take a painkiller.

With such large chips, the gums are usually cauterized or practice is performed. After this, a filling or crown is installed using standard technology.


If a chip occurs on a front tooth, then the patient’s first complaint is an aesthetic defect.

There may also be:

  • pain of varying intensity: from slight soreness to unbearable pulsation;
  • sensitivity when eating;
  • violation of closure;
  • trauma to surrounding tissues (tongue, lips, cheeks) due to sharp chip edges;
  • tooth mobility.

The severity of symptoms directly depends on the degree of damage. The stronger the chip, the greater and more pronounced the symptoms. Minor damage does not cause much discomfort, but if a living tooth is severely chipped, the pulp may be exposed, which brings unbearable pain.

First aid

If it is impossible to contact a specialist at the moment, try to give yourself first aid yourself.

  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly, but not too vigorously, with a weak saline solution (optimally sterile saline) or plain warm water. This will help you remove enamel chips and small food particles from the damaged area;
  • In case of injury or bleeding of the gums, it is recommended to apply a piece of sterile bandage to it. At the same time, it is not advisable to moisten it with an antiseptic if it is quite aggressive (alcohol);
  • Apply ice to the cheek on the side of the damaged tooth. This will help prevent swelling;
  • Take a pain reliever if the pain gets worse.

As soon as it is possible to go to a dental clinic, make an appointment. This will help to avoid dangerous consequences and qualitatively restore a broken tooth.

How to restore a tooth?

Modern aesthetic dentistry has several techniques for restoration after damage:

  • aesthetic restoration using composite materials;
  • microprosthetics: using inlays, lumineers, onlays, veneers;
  • root canal treatment, placement of a pin and orthopedic crown;

The doctor determines which type of restoration to use after examination and after diagnostics. The price of dental diagnostics can be found on the website or by calling the clinic’s phone number. If the tooth cannot be saved, it is removed and implantation is planned.

Treatment Basics

As mentioned earlier, treatment for tongue injuries depends on the nature of the injury. While a home first aid kit is sufficient to heal superficial injuries, eliminating the consequences of traumatic factors in case of serious injuries requires, first of all, consultation with a doctor who will select the necessary medications and prescribe recommended procedures.

What to do depending on the type of injury:

  1. The standard method of treatment or initial treatment of mechanical injuries is the use of antiseptics (alcohol, iodine, brilliant green). Rinsing with disinfectants helps in restoring the mucous membrane: furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate dissolved in water in a ratio of 1 to 3000 or baking soda at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 250 ml. Do not neglect plant decoctions with calming properties.
  2. Knowledge of chemical neutralizing reactions will be useful in case of chemical burns , because the “golden rule” of first aid for this is as follows: rinse with a neutralizing solution. Timely implementation of the necessary procedures will avoid further treatment. Blisters appearing on the tongue indicate severe damage. Opening of formations with subsequent processing should only be carried out by specialists. After neutralizing the blisters, doctors most often prescribe rinsing the mouth with disinfectants.
  3. Profusely bleeding wounds require immediate tamponade. It is unacceptable to independently remove foreign bodies from ulcers.

Preventive measures

Preventative measures for chipping can be considered: remineralization, sanding, fluoridation.

You should also follow some recommendations:

  1. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed (sweets, soda, juices, flour products).
  2. Monitor your vitamin intake (fluoride, calcium).
  3. Regularly visit a dentist every six months for a preventive examination and carry out professional oral hygiene.
  4. Maintain good oral hygiene at home.
  5. Do not use whitening pastes on a regular basis.
  6. Eliminate the habit of chewing pencils and pens.

Prevention from chips

The best prevention against chipped teeth is daily oral hygiene and timely visits to the dentist.

You should also be less involved in extreme sports and avoid life situations that can lead to mechanical damage to the jaw and teeth in particular. It is also not recommended to eat too hard foods (nuts, seeds).

Careful oral hygiene

Careful hygiene - prevention of tongue wounds

All of the situations described above are very unpleasant, so you need to watch your teeth very carefully. Dental health directly affects the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore the functioning of the entire body. Therefore, it is very important that your teeth are in perfect condition.

Methods and rules of treatment

After diagnosis, therapy is carried out by a specialist. When a “bouquet” of diseases is identified, complex treatment is required.

Main directions:

  • injuries from prostheses, poor-quality fillings. Elimination of defects, treatment of tissues with dental gels, rinsing with herbal decoctions. Aloe juice, propolis solution for treating wounds. Delicate oral care is important;
  • dental diseases. The doctor fills carious areas, gives advice on caring for the oral cavity, and recommends high-quality toothpaste. For stomatitis and glossitis, the doctor prescribes medications that reduce inflammation and suppress the activity of harmful microorganisms. General therapy is combined with tissue treatment with antiseptics, medicinal gels, and decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • problems of the endocrine system. Normalization of hormonal levels, taking medications that restore hormone levels. Control of diabetes mellitus;
  • stomach diseases. Taking antacids, drugs against Helicobacter Pilori, sorbents, missing enzymes. Medicinal mineral water, diet, treatment of the oral cavity with anti-inflammatory gels, herbal decoctions, aloe juice for healing erosions;
  • penetration of infectious agents. Elimination of the source of inflammation, taking antibacterial and antiviral drugs. When yeast fungi are activated, antimycotic agents are recommended. It is mandatory to take medications that increase general and local immunity. Multivitamins, mineral complexes, healthy food additives will strengthen the body's resistance;
  • pathological changes in various organs. If pain occurs due to problems within the body, systemic treatment is required. Local treatment + taking medications to treat the underlying disease is effective;
  • microtraumas, tongue burns. Avoid foods that irritate the filiform papillae, crackers, and chips that injure delicate tissues. Less candies with sharp edges and harmful synthetic dyes. Forget about the freshly brewed first course for 15 minutes, wait until the tea/coffee cools down a little;
  • allergies to medications. The doctor will prescribe drugs with similar effects without components that provoke negative manifestations. Taking antihistamines will help eliminate allergy symptoms: Tavegil, Cetrin, Erius, Suprastin, Diazolin. Sorbents that bind and remove allergens have a positive effect. White and activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb are suitable.

Regardless of the cause of damage to the tissues of the tongue, during treatment it is necessary to switch to soft, pureed food. Dishes should have a moderate temperature and not irritate the mucous, filiform papillae. Puree soups, chicken broth, fruit/berry jelly, mashed potatoes, and steamed cutlets are useful. Boil vegetables, puree, avoid large pieces and seeds. Seeds, chips, and crackers are prohibited.

Find out about the causes and methods of treating the smell of acetone from the mouth of a child.

The nuances and features of installing clasp dentures on the lower jaw are described on this page.

At https://u-zubnogo.com/detskaya/zabolevaniya/svishh-na-desne.html, read about how to cure a fistula on the gum of a child.

You can learn about therapeutic dental products to eliminate discomfort in the oral cavity on our website. For example, read about Metrogyl Dent gel here; about Stomatofit - here; about Asept gel is written in this article; Find out about the use of Chlorhexidine at this address; We have a separate article about Kamistad gel.


Soreness on the side of the tongue is often accompanied by the appearance of other symptoms. In most cases, a strong or weak inflammatory process occurs in the affected area.

Read also: How many wisdom teeth does a person have?

If there is discomfort, check whether the following symptoms are noted on the surface or inside the muscular organ of the oral cavity:

  • redness;
  • mouth ulcers;
  • erosion;
  • wounds;
  • coating on the tongue;
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • noticeable enlargement of filiform papillae;
  • swelling/severe swelling of the edges and other areas.

It is often observed:

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