Full of iron: stars who wore braces for good reason

Most people with malocclusion worry about having an unattractive smile. This is a fairly common problem, the solution to which is becoming the norm. Many stars have appeared in public with braces at completely different ages, without being embarrassed at all. We have prepared for you interesting facts about the lives of celebrities who chose to experience minor inconvenience for the sake of health and beauty. Stars with crooked teeth – it even sounds ridiculous, right?

Let's think about whether people with a cast on a broken leg should be embarrassed? Or those who wore a corset to straighten the spine? These are the same important stages of recovery and transformation as braces. Rest assured, those around you will be sympathetic to your situation. Let us see this using the example of brilliant stars. Today we will tell you stories of celebrities with braces. The stars look not just good, but very stylish! Evidence in the form of photos is attached.


Everyone thought Beyoncé had the perfect smile. Therefore, in 2013, many were surprised when they saw a star with braces. Queen B showed them off, smiling for the camera every chance she got. Of course, the singer’s braces were not simple, but gold. They say that Beyoncé does not have a perfect bite by nature, but she decided to correct it.

The celebrity assured journalists that she saw a social mission in this act. Demonstrating braces on camera, she wanted other hardware owners to feel free to smile.

Not just for selfies

Someone really suddenly has a desire to get braces in order to be, as they say, in trend. For others, this treatment (yes, it’s treatment!) may be prescribed by a dentist. And not every bite correction is caused only by aesthetic defects, such as uneven dentition or a gap between the teeth.

Over time, an incorrect bite can affect the health of your teeth: due to uneven chewing load, the enamel on some of them is prematurely worn away. Due to problems with chewing food, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occur. Even headaches can occur due to malocclusion, that is, due to weakening of the temporomandibular joint. Not to mention that it is often difficult to install dentures if the bite is incorrect. And no one is immune from the need for this.

So it’s not just the pursuit of beautiful selfies that makes you turn to an orthodontist.

But it happens that what brings him to the chair is precisely the desire to have a beautiful, youthful appearance, despite the fact that the teeth are generally straight. Some imperfections in appearance, such as early wrinkles, changes in the shape of the face, and a heavy chin, can actually be overcome by installing braces. In some places it has already become the norm that a woman of silver age, when she comes to a cosmetologist with a request to do something about her “swollen” face, is sent first to the dentist. It happens that cosmetic surgery is not required after this.

Tom Cruise

Tom naturally had very bad teeth: crooked, like an uneven fence, and of different sizes. To get a Hollywood smile, Cruise went through a lot of pain. At first, he wore braces for a long time, and was not shy about smiling at the camera. And then I installed veneers.

Expert opinion

— Braces are clasps that are attached to the teeth and connected to each other with a special arch, which straightens the dentition. Braces come in different designs, are made from different materials (metal, ceramic, sapphire), and are installed on the outside or inside of the teeth.

In addition to braces, transparent aligners or aligners are widely used today. This is a whole case that is individually made to fit your teeth and is worn around the clock (not counting meals). The main advantage is that this is a removable design, the trays are completely transparent (that is, invisible on the teeth).

Before starting treatment, you should undergo diagnostics: take an X-ray of the jaw, a TRG image of the skull. The doctor will then simulate the system and decide whether the teeth need to be removed for a more effective result.

Most often, wisdom teeth are removed, which create compression on other teeth and can cause relapse after treatment. But it happens when other teeth are also removed, most often these are premolars (small molars, which are located in the fourth and fifth places in the dentition).

The duration of treatment with braces and aligners is individual in each case; on average, orthodontic treatment takes from one to three years.

After the doctor removes the system, you will need to undergo an additional course of treatment to prevent the teeth from moving. This requires wearing retainers or mouth guards for a certain period of time. Then a good result is guaranteed!

Alina Slanova , orthodontist, member of the Professional Society of Orthodontists, European Association of Orthodontists, Israeli Society of Orthodontists

Braces for Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend

Only the lazy didn’t write about Cristiano Ronaldo’s man-made smile. There, of course, braces alone were not enough, but they were also used as a means of correcting the bite. Now it has come to the girlfriend of the Portuguese football player: Georgina Rodriguez was photographed on the podium at the World Cup in Russia, and it is clearly visible that she has braces on her teeth. True, information immediately appeared that she had previously been noticed either with or without braces (which in itself is strange). In short, braces are turning into an informational occasion.

Well, inevitably everyone thinks: “What am I? Do I need them? Probably yes. Because, according to dentists, three-quarters of adults in our country have malocclusion.

Carrie Underwood

Imagine a forty-five-year-old society lady in a dazzling dress, necklaces and... braces. Moreover, in her case, the design was so stylish that it could well be considered as a decoration and addition to the image.

Carrie Underwood in braces
Carrie admitted to reporters that the need to install such a system arose during her childhood, but then the future star was terrified of the dentist.

Time has passed, and now she has a truly impressive smile thanks to wearing braces.

Gwen Stefani

The forever young vocalist of the group No Doubt put on braces only at the age of 30 back in 1999. The straightening of teeth took a long time and metal structures were used for this, which were very noticeable on the teeth. But they only added to Gwen Stefani's style, giving her straight and beautiful teeth for the rest of her life.

Gwen Stefani after braces
Gwen Stefani with braces and after

Choosing the most beautiful braces for children

What about children and teenagers? - you ask, because they need beautiful braces no less than adults. In fact, the same systems are used in pediatric orthodontics as for adults. Moreover, children are luckier in this regard: their dentition is much more pliable, so treatment is more predictable and takes less time. If we talk specifically about beautiful braces for children, then ceramic and sapphire brace systems are most often used. Budget plastic braces are also widely used, but there is a high risk of staining, given children's love for sweet carbonated drinks. But lingual systems are rarely used because they are very expensive and wearing them involves more complex hygiene, which most children will find difficult to carry out.

Emma Watson

Now known to every child and adult for her role as Hermione Granger, the actress also straightened her teeth using ceramic braces. Moreover, in the first parts of Harry Potter you can notice her not perfect smile, because for the first time the actress appeared with orthodontic structures on her teeth only in 2005.

Emma Watson with braces
The actress chose a classic metal model, which is the most noticeable, and was not shy about showing her smile to the television cameras.

Famous handsome men with braces

Men, despite their brutality, also want to be beautiful, and rightly so. Famous actors and representatives of the secular society of Hollywood stars have to pay special attention to the impeccability of their image.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise

This handsome man's teeth weren't always so straight. In 2002, the actor received braces. Tom Cruise only took them off during filming. His girlfriend of those days, Penelope Cruz, was not at all embarrassed by this. The actor installed an orthodontic device for himself after visiting the dentist with his child. It turned out that he himself needed braces. The fact that celebrities do not neglect the advice of dentists encourages us to make the right decisions. Tom Cruise realized long ago that healthy teeth are the key to the beauty of world stars.

Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage

In 2003, the actor’s lower jaw teeth were decorated with braces. It looked very good. Nicolas Cage wore the design long enough to say goodbye to his crooked teeth once and for all.

Vlad Lisovets

Vlad Lisovets

Vlad Lisovets is a fashion stylist who simply needs to dazzle everyone with a smile with straight teeth. Otherwise, the stars may turn to the services of another specialist. Only after celebrating his fortieth birthday, Vlad Lisovets decided to update his image. The stylist made the wise decision to put braces on his slightly crooked teeth to achieve the perfect result.

But is it only celebrities who can afford to captivate the public with the help of orthodontic systems? Popular video blogger Sasha Spielberg corrects crooked teeth. The girl claims that the braces look invisible, with them she does not lisp or lisp, which many are afraid of. Sasha fearlessly talks about all the intricacies of the interesting procedure and the rehabilitation period. We invite you to watch her useful and inspiring video.

What causes the popularity of braces?

The very first braces caused significant discomfort to their wearers, but despite this, this design can be called a successful experiment in the field of dentistry.

Therefore, the key question that needs to be asked is: what unique thing did Edward Engle offer to his patients in his time that the demand for such a bracket design does not fade away to this day?

The first thing to note is the mode of their use. A brace is a non-removable system that is worn continuously and which the patient cannot forget to put on/take off. And if in Engle’s time the brace device caused significant discomfort from use and was largely unaesthetic in design, today it is a system that has an attractive appearance and does not cause any inconvenience.

Secondly, it is believed that having installed braces once, the patient will continue to live an ordinary life, without limiting himself in anything. There is no need to visit the dentist's office for certain procedures, the only thing is to avoid eating too hard foods. After the end of the treatment process, which lasts 1-2 years, the braces are removed and a special thin wire is installed - retainers, which serve to maintain the teeth in the correct position.

What systems do celebrities use?

Most stars decided to correct malocclusion and dental deficiencies as adults, without fear of losing their image and reducing their popularity .

However, many of them used classic metal systems. Only a few resorted to aesthetic ceramic or sapphire models, as well as discreet lingual braces.

Bite correction allowed the stars to acquire new charm, even greater attractiveness and popularity.

Beauty requires sacrifice

Often the desire to comply with fashion requires compliance with the rules of restrictions and not too pleasant ones. Same with braces.

  • Before installing braces, it is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity: there should be no untreated caries left. In addition, wisdom teeth often need to be removed.
  • It will take some time to get used to. Whatever they say about the convenience of modern braces, one way or another it is a foreign element in the mouth.
  • You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to visit the orthodontist at least once a month throughout the treatment. And this is a year or two. There may also be a need for an unscheduled visit.
  • You will have to spend a lot of time brushing your teeth: this procedure will need to be done more often and more thoroughly. Otherwise, there is a high probability that caries will appear on your teeth.
  • We'll have to get used to a new diet: nothing very hard and sticky-sweet.

These are just some unpleasant moments that you need to be prepared for. But all this can be endured. After all, it is ultimately not only about beautiful appearance, but also about health.

Tape arch

Edward Engle

Continuing his research, Engle replaced the tube with a rectangular groove. Now the design looked like this: a ribbon arc made of gold alloy was installed in the grooves and was secured with pins. This system became quite widespread in the world, as it had undoubted advantages over the one that existed before:

  • small in size;
  • quite elastic;
  • provided a visible effect.

But this design of braces also had its weak point: with its help it was impossible to influence the position of the tooth root precisely because of its good elasticity.

The evolution of braces

As mentioned earlier, modern braces manufacturers have always taken the design proposed by Engle as a basis. Throughout the 20th century, this mechanism was constantly improved, new ideas and additions to the fastening system appeared. Each subsequent model was better than the previous one, because they tried to eliminate all the previously existing shortcomings.

Modern developments are based on the “prescription” principle, that is, the presence of certain parameters that are included in the algorithm in advance and lead to the correct movement of teeth in the future. Currently, the prescriptions of the following world-famous dental specialists are very popular: Trevisi, Bennett, Damon, Roth and others.

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