Silicone braces - comfortable and invisible designs

Today, an uneven bite can be corrected with the help of such an innovative product as silicone braces. Compared to metal structures, silicone braces differ not only in appearance, but also in the healing effect they provide. Most people refuse to wear metal products because they are visible to others. But silicone structures are completely invisible while smiling and talking. The silicone bracket system is a transparent mouthguard that is installed on the entire dentition.

Features of the orthodontic device

What do braces look like? How much does turnkey installation cost for children and adults, both in Moscow and in other cities? What are the indications for installation? All these and many other questions can be answered in dentistry.

Firstly, it is worth understanding that the hardware system is not installed without prior preparation. Sometimes the process may involve several steps.

1. Treatment of caries. Braces put a lot of stress on your teeth, so it is very important to keep them healthy. Carious areas will contribute to even faster tooth decay. Why is this happening? The hygienic process becomes more difficult and food can get stuck between the teeth and plaque can accumulate, which in turn provides a comfortable zone for the development of bacteria. What to do? In this case, the dental structure is temporarily removed for surgical orthodontic correction. After the crown is in the correct position, the structure returns to its original place. This important nuance helps to save on the cost of correction work.

2. Getting rid of the inflammatory process. A dangerous signal will be the discomfort and pain from wearing braces. This can also be avoided if you get rid of even the simplest diseases. It is worth considering that the price will be significantly reduced, because there will be fewer actions to correct the bite.

3. Professional cleaning. The instructions end with the fact that before installing braces, all teeth must be perfectly clean. The consultant will definitely offer an acceptable result, for example, ultrasound or drugs containing fluoride.

Of course, special attention should be paid to daily oral hygiene, making sure to clean them after every meal.


The popularity of silicone braces is due to their large number of advantages, which include:

  • high aesthetic qualities, because the installed structure is invisible on the teeth;
  • silicone mouthguards do not injure the oral cavity, which cannot be said about lingual braces and vestibular structures, which are very fragile and can break at any time;
  • practicality, since they can be dismantled before eating or cleaning the oral cavity: this is much more convenient, which cannot be said about traditional removable products.

During treatment, you need to take into account certain features of wearing transparent structures:

  • minor discomfort at the initial stage, which occurs due to tension in the dental arch;
  • before installing the structure, it is necessary to clean the oral cavity or use a special rinse, which ensures maximum adherence of the product;
  • For more precise adjustment of individual teeth, before installing a mouth guard, the specialist is required to apply a small amount of composite material, which will be removed after therapy.

Types of braces

Today, there are a huge number of manufacturers offering braces systems, so clients have the opportunity to make their own choice, taking into account personal preferences and the allocated budget.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a cheap and inexpensive or, conversely, the most expensive dental apparatus?

  • Material used in production;
  • Structural strength;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Wearing period;
  • Location (inside or outside).

It is also worth paying attention to the type of fixation:

  1. Vestibular are those that are attached to the outer part of the dentition of the upper or lower jaw. The cost and installation of this type will be significantly lower than others. The price list and cost of dental braces for children and adults can be found on the website.
  2. Lingual ones, which need to be installed on the inside of the dentition. They are ideal for those patients who do not want to be embarrassed to smile from ear to ear. But you have to pay for aesthetics, so the installation price for a teenager or children will not be inexpensive.

When is it recommended to use silicone braces?

Silicone braces are indicated for both adults and children. It is important that the patient does not have an allergic reaction to the material used.

In childhood, their use is especially convenient, because children are very active, constantly jumping, running, and can damage the structure (when using conventional braces) or even swallow its element if it breaks. Silicone braces eliminate the possibility of such problems.

Silicone braces are recommended for those who are embarrassed to wear metal leveling structures, which can cause stress for the patient. Very often, teenagers become such patients, because the opinion of their peers regarding their appearance is most important to them.

Transparent aligners can be used even for people who are constantly in the public eye (politicians, businessmen, actors, etc.), and whose smile simply cannot be overshadowed by “metal jewelry.” These people prefer silicone braces because they are comfortable to wear and invisible to others.

Such mouthguards are also recommended if necessary to straighten teeth after injury, surgery on the face and jaw.

Silicone braces

All of the above types of braces, so to speak, have been tested by time and millions of people. The latest modern dentistry does not stand still, so plastic structures have become an innovation, which have a number of features:

  • Ease of wear, because in fact these are not braces, but mouth guards;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • No discomfort due to its flexibility.

Leading dentists recommend that parents of children and teenagers use silicone material, because it quickly helps to correct minor changes in the bite.

Comparison of materials

Previously, dentists advised using wax so that the patient quickly gets used to braces in the mouth. However, it has many disadvantages, so many experts recommend using silicone.

A comparison of materials is presented in the table.

CharacteristicWax Silicone
Time of application of the substanceIdenticallyIdentically
Ease of applicationApplies quickly and has the softest structureTakes a long time to warm up in your hands
Ease of removal It is more difficult to remove, pieces of wax may remain on the structureFast, hassle-free
Fastening qualityAverage High
Structure quality IdenticallyIdentically
Price categoryIdentically Identically

Based on the parameters in the table, it can be understood that silicone is a better alternative. But if you can’t buy it, wax will do.

Methods for installing braces

The process of installing such a serious structure is a very important undertaking that will require care. What is included in the procedure?

  1. At the beginning of the procedure, a special expander is inserted into the patient’s mouth, thanks to which all dental units are visible, even the most distant ones. Then polishing occurs, which includes the application of a restorative gel that stays on the teeth for no more than one minute. After thorough cleaning and drying, you can begin installation.
  2. How are braces attached? No matter how trivial it may seem, the system is fixed thanks to glue. Each lock is then treated with orthodontic cement. The work done is dried under ultraviolet rays, and then the specialist removes excess material, if necessary.
  3. Whatever type of braces the patient chooses, installation first takes place on the upper jaw, and then on the lower jaw.
  4. Installation time depends on the choice of design. Lingual installation will take longer due to attachment to the inner side of the dentition, namely about 1.5 - 2 hours. The vestibulatory process will be consolidated in half the time.

You should not be afraid of manipulation, because it does not bring pain or discomfort. The effect will begin to appear within a few hours. The patient will have a distinct feeling of “loose” teeth. This reaction is quite normal and indicates that the structure has begun its work to correct the bite.

It is difficult to say how long the adaptation process will last, it depends on the individual characteristics of the person, but average statistics indicate that after a few days the symptoms disappear. If the pain does not go away, then painkillers prescribed by the dentist at the dental clinic will come to the rescue.

What are the design features?

It is noteworthy that silicone structures are not braces, and received this name to easily explain their purpose. They have nothing in common with ordinary braces. This is a monolithic transparent overlay that is worn on one or both jaws.

You can compare silicone braces to a boxing mouthguard. They just act in opposite directions. Boxing - protects teeth from displacement, while orthodontic, on the contrary, is designed to shift them.

However, silicone braces cannot be used in all cases. They will not help with severely twisted teeth, will not eliminate interdental gaps and will not stretch out teeth that have not erupted. However, to straighten crooked teeth, they are an ideal option.

Silicone is an absolutely transparent, durable, elastic and safe material. It is almost impossible to break or damage. It does not react to external factors. However, exposing silicone to high temperatures is not recommended. In this case, the mouth guards may become softer and change shape.

Note: For an excellent fit of the products to the teeth, before each putting them on, it is important to clean the teeth from plaque and rinse the mouth with a special solution.

It may also be necessary, before the initial installation, to apply a composite material to individual teeth that require more precise correction, which is removed at the end of treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Although orthodontic appliances are designed to create a beautiful smile, the procedure has its advantages and disadvantages.

As for the advantages, they can safely be attributed to:

  • 100% result after wearing braces. With their help, even the most serious dental anomalies can be corrected.
  • A strong fixation that allows adults not to worry about the child being able to remove the system or harm himself in some way.
  • Long-term results. After the wearing period has ended, do not worry that the resulting effect is a temporary measure. Fixed defects will not “come back”.

However, there are also negative points:

  • Poor diction during the period of adaptation and rehabilitation;
  • Visibility to surrounding people;
  • Risk of frequent discomfort and aching pain;
  • Long treatment period before installation;
  • Adjustment of habitual diet and partial/complete cessation of bad habits;
  • High price.

Weighing all the advantages and disadvantages, you should understand that the disadvantages are temporary, and a healthy and beautiful smile will become a calling card for many years to come.

Prices for installing braces

If you have free money and want to look original, you can insert diamonds and stones into metal structures, which will certainly be more expensive. For those who have a limited budget, metal and plastic structures are an excellent option. The price is calculated based on the installation of one brace, which is then added to the entire jaw. For those who are not used to saving money, sapphire designs are the best choice.

How does the treatment work?

The treatment process with silicone braces has many stages.

First, the patient comes for an examination, then a photo of his teeth and an impression are taken.

Based on the data obtained, models of the dentition are created using computer modeling. They are sent to a company that produces mouth guards.

The company makes 20-30 sets of mouth guards. The amount will depend on the severity of the bite problems.

Each pair of aligners is worn for approximately 14 days. After this, a new pair is put on and so on throughout the entire course of treatment (from 6 months or more).

Terms of use

Each user can easily understand the rules for using the plates. Dentists recommend adhering to the following main rules:

  • clean surface of teeth and gums;
  • drying before applying the structure.

However, there is a technique for carefully applying silicone strips, which allows them to perform their function efficiently and last longer:

  • Hygiene procedures. Clean your teeth with toothpaste. Clean the interdental spaces with a brush or irrigator.
  • Drying the area where the product is applied. Carefully wipe the tooth surface with a cotton pad.
  • Wash your hands with bactericidal soap.
  • Open the container with the plates. Take the required amount of material. It is not recommended to tear it off as it will stretch. It needs to be twisted or cut.
  • Heat the structure with your hands so that it takes on a soft shape. When the silicone begins to give in, a small ball is made from it for spot application or a strip for longitudinal use.
  • Distribute the material over the surface so that it fits tightly to the braces and teeth. There should be no air space left as the silicone may come off during use, leading to accidental ingestion.

The package contains quite a lot of silicone plates. Therefore, they can be used for a long time. However, within 1-2 weeks the patient gets used to the orthodontic structure, so further use is irrational.

Dentists recommend changing protective material frequently. If it stays on the surface for a long time, there is a risk of infection. This is fraught with caries and periodontitis.

In the video, a specialist explains how to properly use protective wax or silicone.

Why teeth become loose after braces are removed and how dangerous it is.

In this publication, we will look at the best methods for whitening teeth after removing braces.

Here all the most important things about combined ceramic braces.

Rules for using protection when wearing braces

Using protective plates is not particularly difficult at any age. The main recommendations of dentists are to install protection on a clean and dried surface of the gums and tooth enamel. By following the developed application technique, you can extend the service life and increase the efficiency of using silicone strips.

The algorithm for forming a protective system is as follows:

  • cleaning the oral cavity from food debris and removing plaque;
  • drying and disinfection of the gluing area;
  • collecting the required amount of material and heating it in your hands until soft;
  • uniform and dense distribution of the composition over the surface.

The standard packaging contains a sufficient number of silicone plates, allowing them to be used for a long time. Dentists advise regularly updating the protective layer - prolonged wear can cause the accumulation of pathogenic infections. The total duration of getting used to the brace system is limited to two to three weeks, after which the use of protection loses practical meaning.

By adhering to medical recommendations, using certified materials and regularly seeing a dentist, you can minimize the negative sensations and effects caused by the installation of a corrective braces system at first.

Moving teeth in orthodontics

When treating various defects of the dental system, the method of moving individual teeth or a group is often used. For this purpose, special springs are used, divided into several groups.

Types of orthodontic springs:

1. Serpentine - vestibular teeth move body-wise or around an axis.

2. Finger-shaped - used for corpus vestibular movement.

3. Hand-shaped - provide effective mesio-distal movement of individual teeth, mainly frontal ones.

4. With a round crossed curl - used for mesio-distal movement.

5. Oval spring in orthodontics

designed to move a group of cutters.


Reviews about the device are mixed. For some people, the composition is ideal, so addiction occurs quickly. Other patients respond negatively and believe that the use of strips is not necessary.

More often, patients complain about poor compliance of the material. It is quite hard, so it is difficult to spread it over the teeth.

So that the user can understand whether he needs to purchase the product or not, he reads reviews. Therefore, below is a section where every person, a site visitor who has used silicone plates, can leave them.

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Tags: braces vestibular braces

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