For gum inflammation, doctors recommend a comprehensive approach to treatment. One effective option is the use of collagen plates, such as those produced by Farmadont. This product is unique and has no analogues; it contains collagen and natural plant components. According to patient reviews, positive dynamics are observed after the course of treatment. The plates are approved for use at any age. We will consider in more detail about the types and method of application below.
What are they needed for?
Dentists recommend using plates in the following cases:
- Gingivitis.
- Periodontitis.
- Bleeding gums.
- Periodontal disease.
- Injuries and damage to gums.
- Recent surgery, such as tooth extraction or implantation. Active components allow you to speed up the process of tissue regeneration.
The only contraindications can be identified as an allergic reaction. It is manifested by severe itching and increased swelling. In this case, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution and stop treatment with Farmadont. Carefully study the composition before using the plates. Before use, consultation with a specialist is recommended.
Farmadont III collagen plates against bleeding gums
Farmadont III collagen plates against bleeding gums
Collagen plates for gums Farmadont III with plantain, St. John's wort and aloe are used against bleeding gums. The plates contain extracts of medicinal plants, as well as cosmetic and natural collagen.
Applications with Farmadont III plates have a comprehensive preventive effect, relieve bleeding, neutralize inflammatory processes and restore periodontal tissue.
Active components:
- Collagen
is the main building material of connective tissues. It has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, and also restores the soft tissues of the oral cavity, stimulating the production of its own collagen. - Digestase (collagenase)
is a natural enzyme obtained from the pancreas of Kamchatka crab. Cleanses the site of tissue damage from purulent-necrotic masses, prevents the development of rough scars. - Aloe extract
contains an extensive complex of amino acids, vitamins and minerals that promote active restoration of gums, and also maximally moisturizes the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. - St. John's wort extract
effectively strengthens gums, acts as an antioxidant and powerful antiseptic, and minimizes the formation of rough scars. - Plantain extract
relieves inflammation, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, promotes restoration of damaged cells and improves skin elasticity, enhancing collagen synthesis.
There are 24 plates in a pack, each in individual sterile packaging.
Indications for use: Farmadont III is used for the treatment of inflammatory, infectious-necrotic, dystrophic diseases of the oral cavity at any stage, as well as for prevention of the following diseases:
- Stomatitis.
- Gingivitis.
- Periodontitis.
- Alveolitis.
- Glossitis.
Directions for use: It is recommended to use the plates after brushing your teeth.
Remove the plate from the package with dry hands, apply it and carefully straighten it along the gum. The plate itself is fixed on the gum. Over time, the application will dissolve. If a second application is necessary, remove any remnants of the previous one.
The plates can be used until complete recovery from the disease or healing of the injury (1-2 weeks). For detailed instructions, consult your doctor.
Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components.
Ingredients: collagen, plantain juice, aloe juice, sodium alginate, St. John's wort extract, collagenase.
How to use it correctly
The plates are very easy to use:
- First, carry out a complete hygienic treatment of the oral cavity. Brush your teeth with toothpaste and a brush, use dental floss, mouthwash and irrigator.
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Lightly massage your gums using your fingertips for 2-3 minutes.
- Then take the packaging and remove the plate.
- Remove the protective film and apply the product to the gum, firmly fixing and straightening the plate with your fingers.
- Close your jaws and wait for complete dissolution. It usually takes about 10 minutes, after which the plate dissolves on its own.
After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat or drink water for 1.5 hours. Depending on the specific diagnosis and severity of the pathological process, the doctor can establish an individual course of treatment. It is usually recommended to use the drug twice a day for 7-10 days. It is convenient to use the plates at night, in which case the therapeutic effect remains for a longer time.
The drug for the treatment of gums is affordable; it can be found in almost any pharmacy. The price is very reasonable; on average, a pack of plates (24 pieces) does not exceed 400 rubles.
Pharmadont collagen plates for gums against bleeding plantain/aloe/St. John's wort 24 pcs.
Composition and release form Farmadont collagen plates for gums against bleeding plantain/aloe/St. John's wort 24 pcs.
Cosmetic collagen, extracts of aloe vera, St. John's wort, plantain, ichthyokol (dry crushed collagen from the swim bladders of sturgeon and large catfish), crab collagenase.
Pharmadont - collagen plates that have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on inflamed gum tissue.
This drug is prescribed for both adults and children.
It contains extracts of medicinal plants, as well as unique natural collagen.
The plates, in contact with the gum mucosa, begin to gradually dissolve, as a result of which the active components of the drug are released and have a therapeutic effect.
Strengthen weakened gums and relieve bleeding, have an antimicrobial effect, soothe, relieve pain, promote healing of mucous membranes and soft tissues.
Directions for use and doses
Carry out oral hygiene. With clean, dry hands, remove the FARMADONT collagen plate for gums from the package and carefully apply it to the gum, pressing lightly. The plate itself is fixed to the wet gum and, over time, dissolves on its own.
Before repeated application, the unabsorbed remains of the PHARMADONT gum plate must be removed.
Use at night or 2-3 times a day between meals. Do not eat or drink while the plates are in the mouth.
The recommended course is 1-2 weeks (depending on the intensity of the pathological process) until the symptoms disappear permanently.
FARMADONT collagen plates for gums are safe to swallow.
Indications for use Farmadont collagen plates for gums against bleeding plantain/aloe/St. John's wort 24 pcs.
Used for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory, infectious-necrotic, dystrophic and other diseases of periodontal tissue: gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, etc. in children and adults at any stage of the pathological process:
- For bleeding, swelling, hyperemia, sore gums.
- After surgery on the gums and periodontal tissues.
- In case of injury to the gums and mucous membrane of the oral cavity and nasopharynx (burns, biting).
- After removing tartar.
- To strengthen teeth with their pathological mobility.
- When using removable dentures (chafing).
- Before and after dental prosthetics to relieve inflammation and strengthen the gums.
- For filling gum pockets.
Individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug.
special instructions
If allergic reactions occur, stop use.
Farmadont III collagen plates against bleeding gums
Collagen plates for gums FARMADONT III (Farmadont 3) are intended for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory and other gum diseases at any stage in children and adults. This is a combined preparation consisting of cosmetic and natural collagen and medicinal plant extracts.
Recommended for use in cases of bleeding gums, their swelling, as well as increased blood supply to the tissues of the oral cavity - hyperemia. Also used in cases of chafing from removable dentures, injuries to the oral mucosa (burns, biting, etc.).
Medicinal properties:
– strengthens weak gums, eliminates bleeding,
- increase local immunity,
- provide antimicrobial and antibacterial protection,
- promote healing of the mucous and soft tissues of the oral cavity.
Active components:
- Collagen - stops alveolar bleeding, treats inflammation, heals and restores soft tissues of the oral cavity, and is a source of nutrients.
- Sangviritrin has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen in tissues.
- Aloe vera contains about 80 nutrients, incl. 20 minerals, 19 amino acids, vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, C and E. It is a natural antiseptic that can protect against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It has immunostimulating properties and homeostatic properties: relieves inflammation, promotes cleansing, healing and restoration of gums.
- St. John's wort contains hypericin, flavonoids, biologically active substances, and has a restorative, softening, antiseptic, hemostatic, and analgesic effect. Very effectively strengthens gums and relieves inflammation.
- Plantain contains vitamins C, A, K, tannins, glycoside aucubin, and has a bactericidal, wound-healing, cleansing, and astringent effect. Relieves inflammation and pain, eliminates bleeding, strengthens gums, and is effective against periodontal disease.
Mode of application:
1. Carry out oral hygiene, brush your teeth.
2. With dry, clean hands, remove the plate from the packaging.
3. Apply and carefully straighten the plate along the gums, pressing lightly. The plate itself is fixed to the wet gum.
4. Over time, the plate dissolves in the oral cavity. Before re-application, remove any remaining plates.
Do not eat or drink until the plates have dissolved or until the remains of the plate have been removed from the mouth.
Use at night or 2-3 times a day in between meals. Recommended course: 1-2 weeks (depending on the intensity of the process) until symptoms disappear permanently.
Store in a dry place, protected from light, at room temperature.
Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug. If allergic reactions occur, stop use.
Collagen plates for gums FARMADONT I
Collagen plates for gums FARMADONT I (Farmadont 1) are intended for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory and other gum diseases at any stage in children and adults. Collagen plates Farmadont I ─ is a combined preparation consisting of cosmetic and natural collagen and medicinal plant extracts.
Used for inflammation in the oral cavity. Collagen plates are an effective way to prevent diseases of oral tissues, such as gingivitis, alveolitis, and periodontitis. They are used at any stage of the disease, suitable for both adults and children. The components included in the plate have a healing effect, relieve inflammation, cleanse tissues of non-viable elements, strengthen blood vessels and stabilize local immunity.
Ingredients: cosmetic collagen, extracts of maclea, sage, rose hips, chamomile, ichthyokol (dry crushed collagen from the swim bladders of sturgeon and large catfish), crab collagenase. To eliminate painful sensitivity of teeth and gums in children and adults. The components included in the plate have a healing effect, relieve inflammation, cleanse tissues of non-viable elements, strengthen blood vessels and stabilize local immunity. Packing: 24 plates.
Collagen plates for gums FARMADONT I (Farmadont 1) price: 336.00 rub.
Healing properties: strengthen weak gums, eliminate bleeding, soothe pain, reduce sensitivity, provide antimicrobial and antibacterial protection, promote healing of the mucous and soft tissues of the oral cavity. The action of the active components of Farmadont I collagen plates for gums: Collagen is a “building material” necessary for the healing and restoration of soft tissues of the oral cavity. Relieves inflammation, stops bleeding, serves as a source of nutrients. Stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen in tissues. Macleay extract has antibacterial and antimicrobial activity, an antagonist of yeast-like and filamentous fungi. Active against microorganisms that are insensitive to antibiotics. Sage extract contains essential oil, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins P and PP, which together provide anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and astringent effects. Rosehip extract is a multivitamin with a high content of vitamins C, K, rutin, carotene, as well as potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, tannins. It has a vascular strengthening effect and increases local immunity. Chamomile extract is an antiseptic given by nature. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and analgesic effect, eliminates irritation, softens, and reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions.
The use of collagen plates for gums for inflammation of Farmadont I does not require special skills. Farmadont plates are safe if accidentally swallowed.
Directions for use: Carry out oral hygiene, brush your teeth. With dry, clean hands, remove the plate from the packaging. Apply and carefully straighten the plate along the gums, pressing lightly. The plate itself is fixed to the wet gum. Over time, the plate dissolves in the oral cavity. Before re-application, remove any remaining plates. Do not eat or drink until the plates have dissolved or until the remains of the plate have been removed from the mouth. Use for 1-2 weeks, depending on the intensity of the pathological process, until symptoms disappear permanently. , Russia. Shelf life: 3 years.
Collagen plates for gums FARMADONT II
Collagen plates for gums FARMADONT II (Farmadont 2) are intended for healing the mucous membrane and soft tissues of the oral cavity. The plates have an analgesic effect, relieve bleeding and strengthen the gums. They have a comprehensive preventive effect, neutralize inflammatory processes and restore periodontal tissue. Promotes the formation of a protective film and prevents wound infection. Natural ingredients completely eliminate the possibility of disturbing the balance of oral microflora
Ingredients : cosmetic collagen, extracts of chamomile, valerian, arnica, mint, ichthyokol (dry crushed collagen from the swim bladders of sturgeon fish and large catfish), crab collagenase. To eliminate painful sensitivity of teeth and gums in children and adults.
Packing: 24 plates.
Collagen plates for gums FARMADONT II (Farmadont 2) price: 336.00 rub.
Medicinal properties: soothe pain, reduce sensitivity, provide antimicrobial and antibacterial protection, promote healing of the mucous and soft tissues of the oral cavity. The action of the active components of Farmadont II collagen plates for gums: Collagen is a “building material” necessary for the healing and restoration of soft tissues of the oral cavity. Relieves inflammation, stops bleeding, serves as a source of nutrients. Stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen in tissues. Chamomile is an antiseptic given by nature. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and analgesic effect, eliminates irritation, softens, and reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions. Valerian soothes pain and itching, is also effective for teething and toothache, and is effective against periodontal disease. Arnica relieves inflammation, suppresses pathogenic bacteria and Candida fungi that cause thrush. Reduces swelling, improves metabolism in soft tissues. Helps tissue restoration and wound healing after tooth extraction. Mint has antibacterial, antiseptic properties, relieves inflammation, and has a local anesthetic, softening and deodorizing effect. The use of Farmadont II collagen plates for gums for pain and sensitivity does not require special skills. Farmadont plates are safe in case of accidental ingestion and entry into the gastrointestinal tract. Directions for use: Carry out oral hygiene, brush your teeth. With dry, clean hands, remove the plate from the packaging. Apply and carefully straighten the plate along the gums, pressing lightly. The plate itself is fixed to the wet gum. Over time, the plate dissolves in the oral cavity. Before re-application, remove any remaining plates. Do not eat or drink until the plates have dissolved or until the remains of the plate have been removed from the mouth. Use for 1-2 weeks, depending on the intensity of the pathological process, until symptoms disappear permanently. , Russia. Shelf life: 3 years.